Bonus featurettes

Started by David, Aug 19, 2023, 02:23:19 PM

Bonus featurettes (Read 2,260 times)



I just wanna ask. Is bonus material on home media releases also transformed to better quality? Or is it the same quality as on DVD.



The Alien³ Documentary's only available full on Blu-Ray. I don't know if there's a significant quality increase across the Alien Anthology as a whole.

I know next to nothing about the whole Predator Special Features situation.

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

From memory, I don't think they ever upresed them.



It's noticeably different to the films themselves quality wise, but the blu-rays have more BTS content.  The Alien 3 doco has an extra 20 minutes and there around 30 minutes or so in enhancement pods for each film.



Quote from: David on Aug 19, 2023, 02:23:19 PMI just wanna ask. Is bonus material on home media releases also transformed to better quality? Or is it the same quality as on DVD.
If you're wanting bonus content, I recommend:

Alien Anthology (6-disc Blu-ray set)
Alien vs. Predator (2-disc DVD for extras, Blu-ray for HD pic)
Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem (Blu-ray)
Alien Covenant (Blu-ray)
Predator 4-Film Collection (4-disc Blu-ray set)
Prey (Blu-ray)
Prometheus (3D Blu-ray set for exclusive Special Feature disc)

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