Pathogen - New Campaign

Started by Kailem, Jun 10, 2022, 04:04:49 PM

Pathogen - New Campaign (Read 56,734 times)



It is for a bit, then its a bout story, and visuals then its about working together. but the point is they all work together as one even if each piece is underwhelming. I never expected much from Pathogen but it did delivery even if it fell underwhelming with that big alien with no hands. Lore wise, it wasn't something you can chew on.
But it brought the milkshake. And the boys came to the yard.



Any hope for a new campaign or its too late?



Definitely working on a new title at this point instead.



Aliens Fireteam Elite 2 except this time we play as the Aliens

Still Collating...

Still Collating...

At least have them be optional in multiplayer for a vs mode. And make the matchmaking functional from day one. I know I'm spoiled for expecting that on a multiplayer focused game.



I mean, it would certainly be a big, new feature that would help separate it from the original. If they are indeed working on Fireteam Elite 2, I wouldn't think it would be too crazy to think/hope that they might include playable Aliens this time round.

Still Collating...

Still Collating...

I sure hope so. They are aware people want playable Aliens. We'll see. I hope they tone down the looter shooter vibes. We saw how the new Suicide Squad game went. No need for 400 upgrades where most give you a 5% chance to do 0.5% more damage for 7 seconds that can stack 15 times.... No more than 30 are needed, that you can feel right away with bigger % changes.

I hope for less bullet sponge enemies. Make them hit harder and be faster on higher difficulties. Not soak 1000 bullets.

Please let the Pulse Rifle have it's grenade launcher back. Instead of 100 guns, you can do 30 with each having an under-barrel attachment.

At least 4 player co-op as well.   



I want a first person mode with stronger aliens

Yes you heard me...stronger aliens

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