Look i accept mobile might not be everyone's preference when it comes to gaming. But millions of people around the world do enjoy it. There's a lot of people around the world who can't afford high end P.Cs and consoles. Mobile is their only source of gaming. And that's totally fine. Im just surprised there are people putting down a fully fledged alien title down. Especially on AvPgalaxy!
For one feral interactive are absolutely amazing at porting games to mobile and have a great track record. They make absolutely no compromise in doing so. Plus you don't even need to play with a touch screen as it will have controller support.
Now consider this.. Developers are not yet going to risk making original high quality single player games for mobile, if it flops its a big hit on them. It makes much more sense business wise to port existing titles to mobile, so they can test the waters first. The more ports that are successful, the more confidence developers will have in the future, in making original AAA games for mobile.
Again it might not be for everyone, but it's not aimed at you. It's aimed at people who do enjoy gaming on the go. And I'm all for it.