Combat Information Center

Started by acrediblesource, Aug 28, 2021, 05:34:03 PM

Combat Information Center (Read 1,747 times)



Anyone know if this gets opened at any point? Any one have any thoughts as to what this could be?

Its featured in one of the trailers, i think, basically a close up of the hologram of the dropship flying about. The door currently is non-interactable and has a gaurd standing in front.
It would be cool maybe if this CIC maybe opens up for new missions and maps. As i recall these holograms are on the Prometheus and on the Covenant ship close by the flight operations. I think these are closed off for the captain only and flight crews as it says Authorized Personnel Only.

Maybe its nothing.

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

I'm hoping it will open up in the future myself. But doesn't seem to at the minute. I'm hoping we'll get to see more of the ship in general going forwards.

The Necronoir

The Necronoir

Quote from: Corporal Hicks on Aug 31, 2021, 12:50:58 PM
I'm hoping it will open up in the future myself. But doesn't seem to at the minute. I'm hoping we'll get to see more of the ship in general going forwards.

Likewise. Some folks over on the reddit forum have pointed out that the number of locked doors in the Endeavor corresponds to the number of confirmed content updates we have so far, which would be interesting!

Voodoo Magic

Voodoo Magic

To me it feels like a larger base meant for a once larger game.



I'd love it if it got opened up in the future as I really enjoy exploring hub areas in games, but I'm not holding my breath.

It reminds me of playing the Destiny alpha and betas back in the day and wandering around the Tower, thinking "oh yeah, all these empty areas and closed doors will certainly have stuff in them in the actual game!", only to find there was nothing new there at all.

But hey, there's always hope!



I would definitely like to have missions actually not start that soon, but im sure the initial take was going to have everyone infiltrate like PHG would but in the dropship for like 30 seconds before the game starts. But that would only be for the second campaign mission one i guess- for the sake of time.



I wuld like to bring this subject matter back to discuss.
I thought the PUPS were part of the device that maps out terrain. It seems to only just scan for aliens.
I think it would be a missed opportunity if the devs didn't imagine something along the lines of using the Combat Information Center to help out with just that.

Imagine the devs created a mission where there was a catacomb or a veining network (like hundreds of nodes) of xeno infested underground tunnels on the planet that serve as a community hub where  random teams  would come and stake their claim at the end of a vein once cleared (and also add entries to it with a time stamp)? Much like how death stranding allows players to plant a stake into the ground of the virtual world and add a "hello world to it". Once thats done the game finishes with a "vein mission completion" and the CIC would show these tunnels mapped out  like a fog of war style reveal.
Perhaps to play these missions it requires at least one person to have a PUP to progress through the mission objectives.

In the event that these maps would be played out too soon, maybe these maps could be specific to your geolocation time zone. You would only be able to contribute to those in your timezone (but of course they would label it as some other kind of identifier.) It would really help the fanbase let people know about how their timezone has progressed by sharing images from the CIC map.

Imagine we can do that! That would be freak awesome to see what others have accomplished as well as see how this catacomb map reveal over time where people have played it. and some secret areas display ancient engineers have been there.

So to expand on my idea, the node tree would look something like this:
Imagine it glowing, and starting off as a single orb per match then continuing to link and expand as you explore the cavern  which the when you put the stake into the ground the next orb appears on the map..

Then we are allowed to render the caverns as 3D scans on the CIC Table.

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