Fan Reviews

Started by Corporal Hicks, Aug 23, 2021, 08:40:59 AM

Fan Reviews (Read 23,251 times)



I just got this game and I was able to play it for the first time. To start, I'm not to much into this kind of game (3 person shooter), I'm most get used to Alien Isolation kind of game or more recently Amnesia The Bunker but since Fireteam Elite was on sale and I'm a big Alien fan I give it a shoot. So far I'm only playing for an hour and I'm loving it, I'm playing on Intense difficulty and I'm already dying 4 times... It's very difficult and also for thar I'm loving it (I didn't want another Colonial Marines were even on Ultimate Badass it was a walk in the park). As an more a Alien fan, I'm using the Nostromo cosmetics which are really cool, I'm also loving the Dog Catcher skin of Alien 3. So it's matter of time that I get used to this game, so far I cannot pass the first level... Those Alien Warrior are tough as hell.

So... Any suggestions of you or Mother?



Glad you are enjoying it, as for advice...

Use the "Tank Armour" challenge cards that double your health if you insist on playing it by yourself on the higher difficulties.

You also might want to look up some builds for balancing your survivability and damage output.



Quote from: BlueMarsalis79 on Jul 01, 2023, 10:59:24 PMGlad you are enjoying it, as for advice...

Use the "Tank Armour" challenge cards that double your health if you insist on playing it by yourself on the higher difficulties.

You also might want to look up some builds for balancing your survivability and damage output.
Thanks! I already pass the Mission 1 of Priority One, I'm playing the Mission 2... Man, that "Monica" Alien is hard. I'm going to take your advice of use challenge cards. For what I'm playing, for me the most effective class is the Technician, the capacity of place sentry guns and the Charged Coils help me so much. It's a very addictive game, I really like it.



I'm glad you're thoroughly enjoying it. I'm a big fan of the Hyperdyne Twinhammer.



I finally got around to playing this game over the weekend. Downloaded it for free, as it was a game of the month on PlayStation Plus. Truly love it so far! Reminds me of a 3rd person Left 4 Dead/Back 4 Blood and the mechanics feel a bit like Resident Evil 6 in a way.

Currently on the 3rd part of the first mission and died horribly by the hoard. 

colonel shipp

colonel shipp

just wanted to give my take on the game since i've been playing it a lot recently.i think its one of my favourite games currently with the nice level design that still interests me each time i play. i also love the large variety of fun and interesting weapons available too you i love equipping a new one and learning how best to use it as i level up my only real problems with it are that their wont be much if any content coming too it now and i still lag and disconnect from games regularly

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