Card System could change the game feel

Started by acrediblesource, May 13, 2021, 12:18:25 AM

Card System could change the game feel (Read 697 times)



So after some hard thinking about this card system, specifically the one where the body shots are useless and its all head shots to kill the alien:
I believe (if my logic is correct), that we can go from the default system (no card), which is a horde type game. Shoot them from a distance and all is right as rain. Occasionally you might mess up and have the aliens do a special move (that is, pick up one of your squad and attack them in their hands).

Now when a card is used, and headshots are the main killl move, we might have our selves something different:
1. the game will switch to a different pace, no longer being a horde type game and strictly limitting the aliens to one or two per corridor.
2. The special moves done by the aliens will happen ALOT MORE often because it might be harder to kill an alien with head shots. Maybe it takes as many shots to take down the alien as body shots.
This game mode would kind of make it like a Resident Evil style shooter (which is what we wanted in the first place right?).

THis is my guess. This is my theory. But if this logic is implimented I would have an incredible amount of hope for this game instead of thinking it would be yet another ACM, AVP clone.


Here's hoping.

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