The Final Dark Horse Releases

Started by RidgeTop, Jul 09, 2020, 01:14:37 AM

The Final Dark Horse Releases (Read 9,849 times)



The old Star Wars dark horse comics just got rebranded under marvel and are now released as the Legacy Collection. I'm sure marvel will do the same with the alien & Predator books. I wonder if they'll add some of these canceled books to that rebrand, depending on much of it is done. If the Predator original screen play comic is practicality done why would marvel not release it.


If we get Aliens legends series, I would love it if Marvel brought Den Beauvais and Mark Verheiden to continue off where their Book 2 left off.  There's no reason this can't happen.



i'm not a huge collector (read all of my books/comics digitally) but i still need to get volume 6 of the aliens omnibus to round out my collection; pricing is pretty crazy though, i'm guessing printing for that series was limited?



Aw man, I completely missed that they were doing a screenplay comic for Predator. Shame it's not happening. Imagine if it sold well and we got the Rodriguez script in comic form down the line. :laugh:



This is a little out of left field but I really wish we could get Bererker collected in a TPB. I know it's not the greatest series but I would like to have it collected and in a nice size format with better quality paper than the original issues.



Quote from: j0nesy on Jul 25, 2020, 04:23:24 AM
i'm not a huge collector (read all of my books/comics digitally) but i still need to get volume 6 of the aliens omnibus to round out my collection; pricing is pretty crazy though, i'm guessing printing for that series was limited?

This is how I read all my comics.



Half the joy I get from my collection is from physically owning it, something tangible.

I have some digi comics for if I'm traveling though.



Quote from: Tichinde on Jul 26, 2020, 02:40:08 PM

This is how I read all my comics.

thanks, but i've already read the collected series' in vol 6 (and i like to support dark horse by buying the digital); i want the physical for my limited collection

Voodoo Magic

Voodoo Magic

Quote from: 426Buddy on Jul 26, 2020, 02:45:47 PM
Half the joy I get from my collection is from physically owning it, something tangible.

I have some digi comics for if I'm traveling though.

This mirrors my preference exactly!

Local Trouble

Quote from: 426Buddy on Jul 26, 2020, 02:45:47 PM
Half the joy I get from my collection is from physically owning it, something tangible.

Do you have a sagging bookshelf?



Stuff really isn't all that heavy. Mainly the hard covers.





ALIEN The Original Screenplay #1 is on next Weds. list for release.  :)

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