Didn't realise this site was born out of pre-hype for the release of AVP-2 on the PC in 2002.
Amazing game, in fact by coincidence I am playing it online while house sitting at the weekend.
One question about this site. Considering the sporadic nature of the franchises- with a considerable amount of activity based on nostalgia- how did the admin know it was worth renewing domains and hosting fees.
Ok from 2004-2007 we had AVP and AVP-R. Then we had between 2008-2018. AVP-R (home media- 2008), PREDATORS (2010), Aliens vs predator the Game (2010) PROMETHEUS (2012), ALIENS- COLONIAL MARINES (2013), ALIEN ISOLATION (2014), News of a (now stalled) ALIEN 5 by Neil Blomkamp (2015), ALIEN Covenant (2017), THE PREDATOR (2018).
Now I think about it, typing that, I guess a crystal ball wasn't required after all!