Happy Birthday to AvP Galaxy!

Started by Corporal Hicks, Oct 10, 2018, 08:34:11 AM

Happy Birthday to AvP Galaxy! (Read 4,811 times)

The Old One

The Old One


We got any different ones?

Corporal Hicks

Just the existing handful. It'd be nice to get some updated ones but I don't know how much hard-work that actually is. I'm hands-off on the technical stuff.

The Old One

The Old One

I only see the one.

Corporal Hicks

Profile > Modify Profile > Look and Layout >

It should say Current Theme at the top of that page. Click change and you'll be able to pick from them.

The Old One

The Old One

The top thing is "current smiley set" for me.



Themes aren't available for newish members as they were being phased out as of a couple of years ago. They're still there for old timers who haven't made the switch.


Didn't realise this site was born out of pre-hype for the release of AVP-2 on the PC in 2002.

Amazing game, in fact by coincidence I am playing it online while house sitting at the weekend.

One question about this site. Considering the sporadic nature of the franchises- with a considerable amount of activity based on nostalgia- how did the admin know it was worth renewing domains and hosting fees.

Ok from 2004-2007 we had AVP and AVP-R. Then we had between 2008-2018. AVP-R (home media- 2008), PREDATORS (2010), Aliens vs predator the Game (2010) PROMETHEUS (2012), ALIENS- COLONIAL MARINES (2013), ALIEN ISOLATION (2014), News of a (now stalled) ALIEN 5 by Neil Blomkamp (2015), ALIEN Covenant (2017), THE PREDATOR (2018).

Now I think about it, typing that, I guess a crystal ball wasn't required after all!

The Old One

The Old One

Quote from: Darkness on Oct 12, 2018, 05:58:53 PM
Themes aren't available for newish members as they were being phased out as of a couple of years ago. They're still there for old timers who haven't made the switch.

So I have to look at the Resurrection Alien for all time? Ugh.



That's based on the first Alien, I believe.

The Old One

The Old One

The one on the sidebar, the left definitely isn't.



Quote from: The Old One on Oct 13, 2018, 08:20:05 AM
The one on the sidebar, the left definitely isn't.

It's Fan Art, but yeah seems based on the Resurrection Alien:


We've been looking into some aesthetic updates.


The Covenant Aliens need some love or dare I say... the neomorph and or Deacon.



Nice one, AvPG!


Happy Birthday. You all are incredible, dedicated people. I felt welcome immediately after signing up. I hope this site stays running for years and years to come.


Hard to believe that this site is 16 years old. It's even harder for me to believe that I spent quite a few of those years lurking on this lovely site before I finally manned up and joined.

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