PCSX2: The PS2 Emulator

Started by IXvPRIMUSvXI, Jul 04, 2018, 03:28:10 AM

PCSX2: The PS2 Emulator (Read 5,810 times)



Hey! Does Anybody Played Predator Concrete Jungle on PCSX2?

The Old One

The Old One

Yes, it works well apart from that the visions are broken. Could do with a proper release on PC.



I tried it. Could not get the mouselook working though.



You'd be better off connecting an x360 pad to the pc



Would be even better with a Playstation Controller but it is hard to get working on the PC (although possible).

The Old One

The Old One

Quote from: Wweyland on Jul 17, 2018, 01:50:57 PM
Would be even better with a Playstation Controller but it is hard to get working on the PC (although possible).

The Xbox port is better however, you're better off really playing it on a 360.



Will try the Xbox emulator as well. I am interested in screen capture and quick saving/loading so an emulator would work better.

The Old One

The Old One

They Xbox emulator is still a bit of a mess due to its mysterious technology unfortunately.



It should be closest to the PC but some parts are hard to emulate I guess

Fugitive Predator

Fugitive Predator

I have it for emulator but I can't really get myself to play it
It feels very outdated and the gameplay overall isn't that good.

The Old One

The Old One

It doesn't have good emulation, again- I'd recommend playing it through an Xbox 360.



I've been playing the game in the PCSX2 emulator and I'm near the end. So far it works great.
I'm uploading the playthrough on youtube if anyone's interested to see how weel it works:


(Obs: the audio in the first video is a little messed up, but in the rest of the videos it's fine)



I really struggled through the first few levels on the emulator. Considering getting the PS2 and just playing with a controller, but then I lose the quick save feature.

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