Alien ripoffs and requels

Started by hawkangel, Aug 26, 2016, 09:30:22 AM

Alien ripoffs and requels (Read 113,910 times)



I`ll continue. Another one with lots of nudity (main antagonist is wandering naked all the time :P )

Could you make this an important topic?

I suggest you Edit first post and make an actual list of movies we post here.



Quote from: 426Buddy on Sep 01, 2016, 02:16:46 PM
I would love to see it again, wonder if its on DVD.

You bet your sweet bippy!

Quote from: Master on Sep 01, 2016, 03:13:45 PM
I`ll continue. Another one with lots of nudity (main antagonist is wandering naked all the time :P )

Could you make this an important topic?

I suggest you Edit first post and make an actual list of movies we post here.

That film should of come with a health warning...'Mathilda May Cause Swelling...'

Corporal Hicks

Corporal Hicks

Quote from: Master on Sep 01, 2016, 03:13:45 PM
I`ll continue. Another one with lots of nudity (main antagonist is wandering naked all the time :P )

Isn't that the space vampire one that O'Bannon actually had something to do with?



Yes it is! Thanks for sticking the subject. Could you do thesame for predator rips!


I was swelling, cheering and falling in love all the way through. Oh, and dreaming whole night after.



Quote from: Master on Sep 02, 2016, 08:47:27 AM
Yes it is! Thanks for sticking the subject. Could you do thesame for predator rips!


I was swelling, cheering and falling in love all the way through. Oh, and dreaming whole night after.

My work here is done. :)



That's true. Alien 3 has aged the least of all the alien movies in my opinion. Has there been a thread about which alien movies aged the least?



Quote from: Master on Sep 01, 2016, 03:13:45 PM

I suggest you Edit first post and make an actual list of movies we post here.

Only just seeing this now. Thanks for the suggestion. Will do. Give me a day or two.



Thanks mate. I do appreciate that   ;)

Local Trouble

Local Trouble

I'm surprised no one has mentioned the two competing "It's Alien, but in the ocean!" movies, both released in 1989 (which, incidentally, is the same year Cameron released The Abyss).  Or maybe they're not considered obscure enough.



Watched Galaxy of Terror. This isn't an Alien rip off, it's Forbidden Planet with Alien set dressing!

Wanted to watch it for a long time and glad I did. Bizarre but entertaining movie.



True. I really enjoyed maggot rape scene, but the names of characters and planets are more then terrible.



Shocking Dark Terminator 2 Alienators is quite possibly one of the worst films I've ever seen, with sequences lifted shit for shoot from Aliens but with none of the talent.

'My mother said monsters don't exist. But it's not true.'
'Well, honey, the truth is sometimes bad things happen.'




Leviathan is a great alien ripoff, I've always liked that one.

Deep Star 6 is a guilty pleasure for me, but its pretty terrible.

Local Trouble

Local Trouble

Quote from: 426Buddy on Sep 06, 2016, 02:40:54 PM
Leviathan is a great alien ripoff, I've always liked that one.

Deep Star 6 is a guilty pleasure for me, but its pretty terrible.

The funny thing is that James Cameron released The Abyss later that same year and even though it wasn't a monster movie, I was already tired of the general premise by then thanks to DeepStar Six and Leviathan.



Got a brand new one for you dogs, tell me this doesn't have some similarities to ALIEN. I can find several off one look so far.

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