5 years. Wow. This is definitely my most played game. I love it.
I played the Alien campaign first (I got stuck on Jungle for a while).
Then I played the Predator campaign.
Then I started the Marine, on Normal, as I had on the last 2 campaign's, but couldn't do it so I had to switch to Easy (bearing in mind this was about 2 months after I got a ps3). The second level is easily the hardest (Refinery).
I played Multiplayer a bit but thought it was a bit boring so didn't really bother. I got back to it at Christmas though (or a bit before), thinking I'd try it out again, and got really into it. I made loads of ps3 friends and became amazing (ya know. not to be arrogant but I was
). So I bought the DLC too. Then the network went down, as the Playstation Network was hacked. And loads of people didn't start playing again after it came back up. So that was a bit sad. I played for a bit, then I kind of drowned out. But I got back to it that Christmas(ish), or at least, sometime later, and got really good again (though possibly not as good).
Then I became Completionist obsessed and completed the campaign's on Nightmare and bought the collectibles. And I still play it every now and then.
^ I just wanted to share my AVP story.
I didn't really think about creepiness when playing it, and how effective it was at being scary. I really care more about the story in general and just playing as the Alien or Predator (I'm not as interested as being the Marine; although I really like some bits, such as the club in the first level).
I didn't really mind the lack of maps in the game. I didn't even think about it. There were about 6, which was suitable enough for me., considering their size.
Gotta love that dialogue. I don't think it's annoying.
People always talk of AVP2 being really good. I never played that though. I was going to get it at one point but I thought that the graphics would seem a bit off putting now.
I'm fine with the collectibles.
I think Royal Jelly flashbacks would have been silly.
The Alien is initially complicated to control. Everyone thinks that, I think.
Initially I liked Aliens the most, but on Multiplayer, I much prefer Predators. I find playing as Marine's somewhat boring (just because, it's an avp game. I'd rather take the chance to play as a creature), although it is very satisfying to kill Aliens and Predators as a Marine.
I don't have any problem with the meeleeing (if that's a word). I didn't understand the technique at first (I'm not sure why), but you learn how. I don't think it is that glitchy either.
What's wrong with Stealth kills? That's realistic. If you're behind someone you're not going to just hit them and start a fight.
I think the Survivor maps could have been more interactive. C-Block had a door opening after Wave 3 but more could have been done; particularly on that map. The respawning each round, providing someone survives is a good idea too.
That's probably the only thing I would change about the game.
Another reason I didn't mind being in the same areas is that you were often in different parts of the same area (going through different rooms), and the places you did go through that were the same I only recognised as being the same after a few playthroughs, as you're seeing it in a different condition/from a different perspective.
I think they could repeat the game pretty much, in terms of visions and movement of characters, but create a new story, a sequel to the story possibly, and I'll really like it.
I bought the 'Aliens: Colonial Marines' Collector's Edition for about £25, which I think is worth it. I thought it would be far worse than it is, witht he amount of criticism it was getting. It's fine really as a game. It has glitches, and there is definitely something wrong with the fact that the demo footage was so different ot the final product. But overall I liked it.
I think PS3's multiplayer is still alright (in terms of number of people online), or at least it was in December (I think was the last time I played it).
Oh and a final point that wasn't brougt up - The music to the game is great, I think.