ACM population

Started by Wanderer, Jul 20, 2013, 08:17:48 AM

ACM population (Read 2,326 times)



been waiting for a good deal on this game on steam, finally got it.    i go into it and no one to play multiplayer with  :O     wat is up?    where is everyone?    i like this game only for its multiplayer, could barely care less about the singleplayer campaign.

i am at GMT -7, i would like to know when is the best times to play this.

Ghost Rider

Ghost Rider

Quote from: Wanderer on Jul 20, 2013, 08:17:48 AM
been waiting for a good deal on this game on steam, finally got it.    i go into it and no one to play multiplayer with  :O     wat is up?    where is everyone?    i like this game only for its multiplayer, could barely care less about the singleplayer campaign.

i am at GMT -7, i would like to know when is the best times to play this.

F**king never.



To put it bluntly, the match making is f**king broken and the only way to ever get into a game is to join one of the many steam groups



how do i get into a 'steam group'?
my steam username is Caliber70

ADD ME i want to play ACM multiplayer.   its the only reason i bought this game.



Quote from: Wanderer on Jul 20, 2013, 08:17:48 AM
where is everyone?   
Moved on to better games.



The PS3 console is one of the better platforms to play this on; almost always a solid population.



Same with 360. I can always find a game in the main modes (TDM and Survivor) but no DLC Maps or any of the other modes (save Bug Hunt once in a while).



You'll most likely have to find friends who have the DLC through online sites, that's what I do; you can check or depending on your platform.



Thanks man, I've visited there quite a bit. Namely on how to get some pesky achivables unlocked. However, I'd just as soon make a shout-out to gamers here to play on the DLC. It's nice to be a part of a community

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