PS3 ACM Multiplayers wanted

Started by Bounds34, Jun 26, 2013, 09:39:06 PM

PS3 ACM Multiplayers wanted (Read 1,343 times)



Hello AvP Galaxy friends. Still pissed about how ACM turned out? Annoyed that you cant find a single good lobby to play in? Frustrated about all those maps you got with the season pass that you can't play? Well your in good luck.

I'm looking for people who want a good group of people to play with that can have fun, enjoy the rarely new maps, and kick ass.

Prereq's:  Must want to have fun.
No spitters allowed.
Peps with mics are encouraged but not required.

Thats it. Let's go marines

Crap didnt get to finish lol.

No spitters allowed.
Peps with mics are encouraged but not required.

Thats it. Let's go marines



Big Aliens fan here. Don't have mic but have all the DLC. My PS3 ID is: Castle81

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