Host Connection...

Started by p1nk81cd, May 20, 2013, 05:56:33 PM

Host Connection... (Read 1,291 times)



Does anyone else have this undying hatred of the one-two-bar host's connection?   

Seriously, I've played about ten consecutive games and all have the same host- who's connection can't handle the stress of other players.  >:( Why the hell in god's friggin' afthole did Gaybox-lying-money-grabbing studios implement the god awful feature of no public hosting?!

Honestly, I actually like this train wreck of a game, but THIS one problem is driving me away from it.  :(



I have only had that problem a couple of times since I started playing, imo AVP2010's mp problems were even worse; xp-losing glitch and horrible matchmaking (10 minutes just to find a game >:().

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