Ryūjin Clan is Recruiting! [PC]

Started by Uuyrio, Feb 26, 2013, 11:22:04 PM

Ryūjin Clan is Recruiting! [PC] (Read 1,348 times)



    Ryūjin is a small PC Gaming Clan that enjoys playing games together laughing, goofing off and just having a fun time. Though we can be serious when we want to be  ;)! We're currently looking for more like minded people interested in joining our clan.

Our current gaming focus is Aliens: Colonial Marines but we also play other games such as Natural Selection 2, DayZ, DCUniverse Online (under a different name), and Killing Floor.

If you're interested, send me a message on steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/dracokunx3/

Take care!

The Runner

Feeling a bit lonely, so I'll gladly join.



Heey, sucks you're lonely (we should be able to fix that! ;)) but I'm glad you're considering us! :) What's your steam so I can add ya? :D

The Runner

Steam name is joshmedovich



Awesome!  ;D Friend request sent!


Hey awesome a new buddy!

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