Gameplay Strategies

Started by RagingDragon, Feb 12, 2013, 07:45:46 PM

Gameplay Strategies (Read 1,502 times)



This thread is for multiplayer gameplay discussion.

I've been having a ridiculous time in the objective-based modes like Survivor and Escape. Some of the maps are just too open, forcing the Alien players to try and charge or approach the marines, and the marine weapons will kill you in 2-3 hits. Turrets are also near impossible to evade, even when set up clear across a map, and will kill you fast.

Wouldn't be so bad if the Aliens attacks didn't seem so weak. It takes like 4-6 swipes plus whatever impale or other move you're doing to actually down a marine, when they can kill you in anywhere from 1 to 3 shots. It doesn't help when there is literally zero acid damage from your blood. Spitters too seem to be weaker in these modes, taking several direct hits (more than 2) to down a marine.

I don't know how much the unlocks change this... things like hardened carapace or whatever, but as of right now it's frustrating and difficult as hell. Most games, the marine team is able to clean up and hold off the Aliens almost indefinitely.

Teamwork is key, I suppose, but you all know how that goes with random players. :-\



We'll join up for some MP tomorrow and get our tactical on, bro.



Just a minor update: teamed up with some fellow AvPGers (Prime +) and we were able to finally overrun some marines on an Escape mode and win. It took very good teamwork since the marines have so much life, but once you get them mmm it feels good lol.

Teamwork is key in these modes, and just know that at certain spots, you'll probably just be gunned down for awhile until they either move or you can really pull off some Alien team strategies.

Maybe the balance isn't so bad, but Escape still seems very difficult for the Alien team.....



Quote from: RagingDragon on Feb 14, 2013, 07:01:29 PM
Just a minor update: teamed up with some fellow AvPGers (Prime +) and we were able to finally overrun some marines on an Escape mode and win. It took very good teamwork since the marines have so much life, but once you get them mmm it feels good lol.

Teamwork is key in these modes, and just know that at certain spots, you'll probably just be gunned down for awhile until they either move or you can really pull off some Alien team strategies.

Maybe the balance isn't so bad, but Escape still seems very difficult for the Alien team.....

Was that with me you cplhicks and somebody else? We beat the in like a 1 min and 12 sec as the Aliens!  My record is 58 sec! The spitter does wonders!



No wasn't me, but that's a great time! I know, I've been practicing with the Spitter thanks to one of the challenges, and you can really kick some ass!

Edit - I think with a lot of the higher-level unlocks, the game has been getting frustrating as hell for many. Some of the better teams I've seen really start using the gimmicks, like the stun rounds, and there's another underbarrel attachment for the pump shotgun which has managed to kill me in one hit.. not sure what it is though maybe a flechette round?

The spitter's rupture ability is very difficult to counter, and allows for a 1-to-1 kill ratio even if you nerf your attack most of the time. You have to be very coordinated to survive an Escape or Survivor if the Aliens go spitters, which they always eventually will.

Speed is one of the best options for the Aliens, though I fight some who are just incredibly tough, and I dont exactly know how. I can put Heavy Chitin, Bloodlust or Regeneration, and Adrenaline Rush on my soldier and it still gets taken down pretty fast. On the other hand, I'll put an entire magazine of PR into a rushing warrior, and they manage to back me into a corner and hack me up almost every time. I have to bear down on one from a ways away to actually kill it with only the pulse rifle, and this is even using the Accelerated rounds or whatever.

If you are getting frustrated, pay attention to what you're getting killed with and try and use different loadouts and tactics. There are a lot of tricks you can use. The special weapons on the levels are devestating, too, and a marine team with a Smartgun, Flamethrower, and RPG can hold off tons of Aliens if they play right. The flamethrower is just ridiculous, but not op imo.

PS - Try using Escape with your Alien on an outside level. Is both hilarious and perfect for getting you out of shituations. :laugh:

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