Very impressed by everything... ...hasn't played much of the campaign.

Just like me!
Stay away from that damn campaign people, just play the multiplayer!! LMAO. But I'm really having fun. Been wanting to do this for years and I've yet to pop my escape mode cherry which is the mode I've looked forward to most.
A silly game at points, for certain, but I wouldn't shit bricks and mass-cancel the pre-orders necessarily? People just freaking the fack out like it's AvP:R again. Bad, yes, but playable and fun.
I think the masses will indulge, for a time. It's the Call of Duty kids, anyway, folks. Call of Duty Kids, meet Aliens fans. How are you? Nice to meet you.
In other news, I got a Quad kill with an M240 Incinerator unit in the bottom of some hive and saved 4 of my fellow marines. A guy had thrown it down earlier and yelled "flamethrower!" and looked at me, so I picked it up and just held the damn trigger. Fire looked terrible lol, but I burned those hoes down and it was great fun.
Don't give up on the game if all you've played is the campaign.. I mean, unless you really hate competitive multiplayer. Okay that's all

I think I'm just giddy from not having to embrace yet another complete failure of a product...