User Made Multiplayer Gameplay Videos

Started by WeaN, Feb 09, 2013, 08:18:56 AM

User Made Multiplayer Gameplay Videos (Read 39,330 times)


Dude, the Alien seriously has a spin-attack? Just watching the Extermination mode video. Spin attack right there. ::)

Spin attack. For Christs sake, how can people be complaining so much and nothing on that? Might be the single most irritating thing I've seen yet.



Quote from: RagingDragon on Feb 11, 2013, 07:40:25 PM
Dude, the Alien seriously has a spin-attack? Just watching the Extermination mode video. Spin attack right there. ::)

Spin attack. For Christs sake, how can people be complaining so much and nothing on that? Might be the single most irritating thing I've seen yet.


Oh, you mean the roundhouse attack? Yeah well, because AUTHENTICITY!


Next Left 4 Dead, I want the zombies doing spinning back roundhouses kicks instead of trying to bite me. I think Gearbox could handle that.



Quote from: Elicas on Feb 09, 2013, 09:11:14 PM
So, wallwalk is glitchy around corners/seams with the floor and ceiling, standard fare for the Alien since 99 tbh. Looks as big a mess as SP to my eyes.

Agreed! Just got this today, and it's glitchy as hell. Still, its not too bad.  :)


I do agree that the Xenos seem to have really random special moves while having very generic basic moves. I would've loved to see some better special moves like maybe the spitter picking someone up and spitting acid down their throat or something more brutal, not a spin attack.


im glad theres a stand alone Aliens game that has nothing to do with Predators.. Its about time


Quote from: Bio Mech Hunter on Feb 11, 2013, 07:36:00 PM
Quote from: Xeno929 on Feb 11, 2013, 03:49:10 AM
I seem to be in the minority, I absolutely love playing as Xenomorphs in first-person, I'm almost never on the floor, ceilings on the other hand...  ;)   I guess it's because of the runner alien
Hell yeah. *fist bump*
:D *Fist Bump*


Quote from: Alien1 on Feb 11, 2013, 11:20:38 PM
im glad theres a stand alone Aliens game that has nothing to do with Predators.. Its about time

a little late for the party


First match I join and I get recorded... lol


Very impressed by everything... ...hasn't played much of the campaign. :D Just like me!

Stay away from that damn campaign people, just play the multiplayer!! LMAO. But I'm really having fun. Been wanting to do this for years and I've yet to pop my escape mode cherry which is the mode I've looked forward to most.

A silly game at points, for certain, but I wouldn't shit bricks and mass-cancel the pre-orders necessarily? People just freaking the fack out like it's AvP:R again. Bad, yes, but playable and fun.

I think the masses will indulge, for a time. It's the Call of Duty kids, anyway, folks. Call of Duty Kids, meet Aliens fans. How are you? Nice to meet you.

In other news, I got a Quad kill with an M240 Incinerator unit in the bottom of some hive and saved 4 of my fellow marines. A guy had thrown it down earlier and yelled "flamethrower!" and looked at me, so I picked it up and just held the damn trigger. Fire looked terrible lol, but I burned those hoes down and it was great fun.

Don't give up on the game if all you've played is the campaign.. I mean, unless you really hate competitive multiplayer. Okay that's all :laugh: I think I'm just giddy from not having to embrace yet another complete failure of a product...



Quote from: Jonesy23 on Feb 11, 2013, 09:34:25 PM
I do agree that the Xenos seem to have really random special moves while having very generic basic moves. I would've loved to see some better special moves like maybe the spitter picking someone up and spitting acid down their throat or something more brutal, not a spin attack.
It's in, as a Fatality.


Just look at this... Escape on PC.. why anybody would prefer TDM over this is beyond me  :-\

(the xeno team are noobs but thats normal I guess, the game just came out. after a while it will be even crazier than it is right now )

oh and this is not my gameplay btw

Porkus Maximus

QuoteJust look at this... Escape on PC.. why anybody would prefer TDM over this is beyond me

Escape suffers from some of the same issues that the first L4D had... the marines can just sprint from objective to objective.  There are a handful of locations where a well co-ordinated team effort can put all the marines down at once but there are too many areas where attacking as an Alien is futile. An important mechanic in l4d is the ability to grab or pounce on a survivor requiring the assistance of a team mate to save them, a well co-ordinated attack can neutralise 3 players simultaneously (all 4 in the 2nd game!).  This kind of thing really can't happen in A:CM unless you all player the lurker and you  need to be in an area that facilitates the pounce mechanic.

At least with left 4 dead there are multiple mechanics in place to slow players down. AI infected/randomly triggered hordes. Randomised car alarms and witches, mini-events that last several minutes. Not to mention the various ways the player controlled infected can influence player movement. In A:CM it's like "RUN A BYPASS ON THIS DOOR AND HOLD THE AREA! > 45 secs later > DOOR IS OPEN, MOVE TO THE NEXT OBJECTIVE.  If the Aliens miss that 45 second window they're screwed and have to wait for the second one.


You're exactly right, Porkus. I've recently started hurling myself across vast distances with the angry pounce on the Lurker (along with many other players) and sometimes one massive leap across the level is about the distance of the first marine objective. The spawns are forever away and the Aliens too damned slow.

Maybe not slow, but cumbersome, like not very smooth to control. I'm finally getting wicked good at dodging and you can scare the shit out of people, dodging sideways away from gunfire, grenades, etc... You can also dodge forward for a sort of mini dash to close on a backpedaling marine.

I really hope they fix that life or armor business in Escape and Survivor. The Aliens just get stomped most games, but Escape is still fun as hell (if you're the marine, har har!) They need to work on the Alien wall walk transitions, too. Has anyone messed with the transition option in the settings? I haven't turned it on, just use the left trigger (xbox) to climb, but I suppose I will later.


I don't know what the Hell they did with the wall walking. It feels nothing like any of the previous AVP games.

Honestly, the entire design of the alien attacks is really fubar. It doesn't make me feel like an Alien. It makes me feel like cannon fodder.

Someone started bitching about the one-hit-kills in the PC game I was in. I had to laugh, because, you know what? That's ALL the aliens have going for them. If the controls weren't getting in my way, i'd have this shit down. I'm already getting good in spite of the controls. I slaughtered four marines in one go. That was brilliant.

Part of the problem is the way the alien seems to "lock on" to a target. Instead of just having standard FPS controls. Ugh.

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