Predators: The Lost Tribes - a Skyrim MOD

Started by roland113, Jul 13, 2012, 04:00:40 PM

Predators: The Lost Tribes - a Skyrim MOD (Read 56,586 times)



What does Skyrim lack all other Besthelda titles had - PREDATORS - So i'm stepping up to the plate to deliver gamers the MOD that will let you play as a Yautja race and add some fun optional gameplay.

The concept: Predators have been stranded on Skyrim for thousands of years, and their offspring have gone native. Now the Yautja are powerful and rare creatures - but Nords and Elves and others accept them as much as any beast or race. You're another barbarian fighter - until you find gear and a map at the start of the game that tells you of other items still in landing pods far to the north, forgotten below polar ice caps.

Reclaim relics and your cultural heritage!

Female Yautja body with female predator under garments, and Yautja sandals

Female Yautja sporting, custom dreads, heavy armor, Wrist gauntlet, light gauntlet armor, bladed sandals, Mk 7 "Viper" Biomask

Predators - the lost tribes - a SKYRIM MOD

Male and Female bodies - you can color them, change body weight - and select dread designs

Much of the gear you find will be taken from the bottom of tombs or the ocean floor - so much will be 'artifact' condition - worn, or out of power.. But some ultra rare items will be in top shape.

an early test of the pred blades before they were wrist mounted.. which they are now.  Both AVP, P1 and Predators style wrist blades in game in V1.0 (double long blades, single blade, double short wrist blades)

various bio helms grant cloaking fields of different effectiveness.  Nearly all of them will short circuit if you're caught in the rain with them active.


Will you be showing off any videos of this?

Space Sweeper

The guy you're gonna wanna kill is Dutch, beadda SHIT outta Dutch, look at that bitch!


I can can help make more predator and character models with a true likeness...up to you



Looks great just a few questions.

1. Are you gonna add in a shoulder cannon? If so how is it gonna fire? Will it be like a shout or a spell or an actual weapon in your inventory?

2.  What are the racial benefits for the predator?

3. Are you gonna add in a skinning or trophie collecting to this mod? Just an idea.



Quote from: ShadowPred on Jul 14, 2012, 07:10:12 AM
Will you be showing off any videos of this?

Absolutely - I'll be posting a spiffy reel or two once I've completed all the assets.  Probably one right before launch - then a second perhaps afterwards depending on time.

Quote from: Terx2 on Jul 14, 2012, 04:45:12 PM
Looks great just a few questions.

1. Are you gonna add in a shoulder cannon? If so how is it gonna fire? Will it be like a shout or a spell or an actual weapon in your inventory?

2.  What are the racial benefits for the predator?

3. Are you gonna add in a skinning or trophie collecting to this mod? Just an idea.

1 - Making a non hand held weapon have a 'ranged spell' effect, one that isn't a hand held 'staff' item in Skyrim is tricky. For some reason they hard coded a few things in the editor so you can't just make a backpack w cannon - call it a weapon and then apply a ranged spell.   I may tweak some scripts and try some work arounds -but for now i'm using a 'Wolf' styled AVPR hand held plasma cannon.  Most of the earlier tests of shoulder mounted rigged guns that would track with your head looked cool in skyrim - but failed to accept certain scripts because it was designated as something other than a staff object.

2 - so far racial traits include:
heath and endurance regen bonus
predator heat vision
immunity to most disease
greater weight carry capacity
resistance to fire, and inversely added a vulnerability/weakness to cold
(working on a 'distract' shout that's a pred sound, and a roar shout that causes fear)

aesthetics - you're much taller - (and can wear the pred bio helms )

3- I was thinking of adding a skinning trophy collecting - but that touches a lot of other treasure or creature code -and I want to minimize the number of potential conflicts that could make.  I already have  a lot of mods where you can get skulls and hides - meat and bones.. So if i was to do anything i'd make a recipe that takes that sort of loot to make extra things like necklaces or trophy stuff - but that would most likely come after ver 1.0 because I want to ship this to stay on my schedule. When I do a V1.5 and add NPCs and Monsters - i'll very likely add world objects of skinned animals and victims etc.


Very nice job! Do you use Blender or 3DS Max for your nif files?


Quote from: ikarop on Jul 14, 2012, 11:21:53 PM
Very nice job! Do you use Blender or 3DS Max for your nif files?

I'm using Max 9 and Mudbox - with a little PSD and Nvida Normal toolset plugin work - then out to Gamebryo's Nif

chupacabras acheronsis

that's quite an interesting concept, far more ellaborate than any other mod that adds predators in a game so far.

i'm gonna keep an eye for this.


Quote from: roland113 on Jul 14, 2012, 10:10:10 PM
Quote from: ShadowPred on Jul 14, 2012, 07:10:12 AM
Will you be showing off any videos of this?

Absolutely - I'll be posting a spiffy reel or two once I've completed all the assets.  Probably one right before launch - then a second perhaps afterwards depending on time.

Quote from: Terx2 on Jul 14, 2012, 04:45:12 PM
Looks great just a few questions.

1. Are you gonna add in a shoulder cannon? If so how is it gonna fire? Will it be like a shout or a spell or an actual weapon in your inventory?

2.  What are the racial benefits for the predator?

3. Are you gonna add in a skinning or trophie collecting to this mod? Just an idea.

1 - Making a non hand held weapon have a 'ranged spell' effect, one that isn't a hand held 'staff' item in Skyrim is tricky. For some reason they hard coded a few things in the editor so you can't just make a backpack w cannon - call it a weapon and then apply a ranged spell.   I may tweak some scripts and try some work arounds -but for now i'm using a 'Wolf' styled AVPR hand held plasma cannon.  Most of the earlier tests of shoulder mounted rigged guns that would track with your head looked cool in skyrim - but failed to accept certain scripts because it was designated as something other than a staff object.

2 - so far racial traits include:
heath and endurance regen bonus
predator heat vision
immunity to most disease
greater weight carry capacity
resistance to fire, and inversely added a vulnerability/weakness to cold
(working on a 'distract' shout that's a pred sound, and a roar shout that causes fear)

aesthetics - you're much taller - (and can wear the pred bio helms )

3- I was thinking of adding a skinning trophy collecting - but that touches a lot of other treasure or creature code -and I want to minimize the number of potential conflicts that could make.  I already have  a lot of mods where you can get skulls and hides - meat and bones.. So if i was to do anything i'd make a recipe that takes that sort of loot to make extra things like necklaces or trophy stuff - but that would most likely come after ver 1.0 because I want to ship this to stay on my schedule. When I do a V1.5 and add NPCs and Monsters - i'll very likely add world objects of skinned animals and victims etc.

Sounds cool. I'm gonna keep my eye out for this :)


In morrowind i tried the predator mod-it looked really really cool.
And this one here...this looks soo prommising, definetely gonna keep my eyes on this.


can you put out the beta versions on the nexus so we can try them before the release plz  :P  :)  ;D


awsome add xenomorphs :)



You said it brother!  I so want to add Xenomorphs - or some kinda hybrid - or multiple versions of them.  But I'll probably get this Mod out as soon as I can - and then circle around to add some great traditional adversaries and extra stuff in a follow up Version 2.0 or 1.5

The real compelling part is - for Skyrim - its a lot easier to make 'monsters' than to create a character and all this clothing that uses interlocking multiple meshes/ swapping textures / morph targets and combinations of clothing that have to work together for the player characters.  Can't wait to make something that's a relatively simple 'one off' monster model that has a high yield cool factor.

I'll admit I've already been gathering reference for a PredAlien and other sort of animal/xenomorph hybrid combinations... 

Anyone got any images or favorite ideas for Xeno Hyrbrids they want to suggest/share?


Quote from: roland113 on Aug 13, 2012, 07:56:27 PM
The real compelling part is - for Skyrim - its a lot easier to make 'monsters' than to create a character and all this clothing that uses interlocking multiple meshes/ swapping textures / morph targets and combinations of clothing that have to work together for the player characters.


Are you rigging the Predator's eyes, mouth, etc... too?

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