It's a feature we've been trying to get sorted for some time now and we've finally got somewhere with it. It's hosted by myself, Corporal Hicks and fellow staffer, Mikey. Due to a few technical and scheduling issues our first episode didn't turn out quite as intended but we got through it and it's ready for release. Hopefully we'll learn over time and appreciate all the feedback we can get. Anyway, without further ado:
Episode #1 (21/02/11) – discussions include the introduction of the podcast & Prometheus news.
Episode #2 (10/04/11) - discussions include action figures and an interview with NECA.
Episode #3 (20/06/11) – discussion includes fanfilms & an interview with Alien Epilogue's Darren Kemp.
Episode #4 (19/07/11) – discussion includes the upcoming Alien games (incl. Colonial Marines) and 25 Years of Aliens convention.
Episode #5 (03/09/11) – discussion includes the Alien Encounters: 25 Years of Aliens convention& an interview with Andrew David Clark, event organizer.
It's very much in its infancy at the moment so you'll have to bare with us as we learn and get into this. I hope you all enjoy the feature. We hope it becomes a regular and popular thing.