More Actresses In Talks for Alien Prequel

Started by Corporal Hicks, Oct 09, 2010, 12:39:48 PM

More Actresses In Talks for Alien Prequel (Read 2,194 times)

Corporal Hicks

So we’ve seen reports that Ridley Scott may have been in talks with Gemma Arteton and Noomi Rapace. have also dropped a further 2 names into that list:

“I’ve heard that list includes the studio’s Wall Street 2 star  Carey Mulligan and Abbie Cornish (Scott directed her in A Good Year).  But another intriguing possibility I’ve heard more than once today is  that Noomi Rapace also met and left a strong impression.”

The article also hints Rapace is looking like the likely candidate. Thanks to vortep for the link.

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Happy to hear the prequel is still on after the whole Fox/Scott differences. Noomi is a capable actress, she would be good for the star of an Alien film.



yeah, she could be the new acting - Ellen Ripley.


It'd be nice to see a Swede in an Alien-movie. :P



Abbie Cornish was great in candy but Noomi would be a better fit.  I just watched the girl with the dragon tattoo and she was wonderful.  Played a dark and distant roll perfectly, which I think is probably needed for the new alien film.  After watching I have no doubt she is one of the up and coming stars in the industry.  If she doesnt get the role i will be very disappointed.

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