Rodriguez Confirms Predators Sequel

Started by Darkness, Jul 23, 2010, 02:59:21 PM

Rodriguez Confirms Predators Sequel (Read 42,382 times)



I agree with anonymous... any ALIEN PREQUEL NEWS and or UPDATES??? ???


I would like to see what they could do with a bigger budget. Sucks that he would rather do sin city 2. I don't see why everyone hates on avpr. I know as far as characters they sucked and it was dark. But we got to see how a real predator would hunt aliens, not getting taken out by the first one they fight like in the first avp. And they showed the predators home planet. It took a hyprid to take out wolf. Is wolf a super predator? Might be. Nothing will ever match the original. But at least we got the universes greatest hunter out of it, and now a good enough director ( hopfully) to keep it going strong. People need to stop being haters and stop trying to compare it to the original your just going to get burned everytime


Robert is taking the right steps to make Predators 2 a great success, not to rush it, and bring in plenty of writers so the script doesn't wind up like AVPR although I liked the battle scenes in it. I loved Predators, even more than the original and the sequel. The negative comments from so called "Predator" fans, all they are really upset about is the victor of the Classic vs Berserker fight. Go make the sequel, if you aren't going to direct, you can still supervise. Go, make us all proud.




i MEAN PART 2!!!!!!!!AM SO HYPED FOR IT!!!!!! ;D


if we don't get colonial marines in a massive predator civil war on a ACTUAL outerworldly setting the sequel is doomed to be a FAILURE!!


if que don't get colonial marines in a predator racial civil war on a otherworldly setting the sequel will fail, come on i want to have a hundreds of predators killing everyone on sight while marines shoot at them whit helicopters and have some crazy batsh1t action!!



umm wouldnt it be called predator 4?  ::)  im tired of hearing about pred.. i wanna hear some ALien news...



this is good news



"let's test out the market" !?!?!

so after 4 alien films, 3 predator films, and 2 avp films they finally decide to get serious?


this movie isn;t making enough money in my opinion


f**k yeah, this is great news.


Wow I think this is good news. I liked Predators... of course classic pred should have killed them all, but thats my beef with the film. I think a sequel can be good, and definitly some pred genocide would be amazing.


the NEXT one should be AVP set in SPACE plz RR PALEASE help like leeloo on fifth element plz help


absolutely FANTASTIC NEWS!! i dunno what half of these retarded people are talking about saying to stop making predator movies. read the quote asshole, 'lets test the market with this one'.. personally i though predators was amazing, and knowing that rodriguez is doing another is great news. but even if u HATED predators, rest easy that the next one is gonna be 'bigger' ' new storyline, new world'. if you've lost hope in predator after 3 movies, then ur a pretty pathetic fan, maybe u should go back to twilightgalaxy and rave on some box offce shit... haha people hu only liked the original are probs the same dumbshits that wanted arny to do a cameo in predators :P
and as for people talking up another AVP movie, i wouldnt. your all the same, u want a movie, u talk a movie up then shoot it down cos it wasnt everything u wanted. avp is a dead stick, no amount of CGI violence is gonna save that series, so id concentrate on the important stuff like the alien prequels and the next predator movie, cos this series is literally just getting started :)

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