Robert Rodriguez Chat Summary

Started by Darkness, Apr 01, 2010, 06:12:13 PM

Robert Rodriguez Chat Summary (Read 18,643 times)

Ash 937

Ash 937

I dont give a crap how they spin this one.  You cannot ignore Predator 2 or just pretend like it didnt happen.  It did.  'Predators' is Predator 3 folks...don't let anyone tell you anything different.  

This message was brought to you by Danny Glover and Gary Busey.



Agreed, Ash. Predator 2 was freakin' great, and Predators is Predator 3. Tough cookies if you think otherwise. ;)



I agree with ASH937, Predator 2 happened. I didn't love the AVP movies but they still happened too. There is enough room in this franchise for all films to exist. Clearly, just because Predators doesn't acknowledge those movies, doesn't mean they didn't still happen. It's also bullshit when a producer or director comes out and tries to pull that shit that they are rebooting a series, like when they made Halloween: H20 and said Parts 4-6 never happened. And surprise, H20 sucked anyway, as did Halloween: Resurrection. Don't be a douche Rodriguez, let Predator 2 and the AVP movies alone.



I love PREDATOR 2 as the original and it ain't sucked, It's classic as the first and the story makes sense a lot  more than both AVP and AVP-R crap.



@ Gort Pred

The first Pred is like you said, the one with the jaw-bone-head... he's the leader and main antagonist... Rodriguez referred to him as "Mr. Black"

The 2nd one is called "Falconer" Because he has got a mechanical device that flies and scouts the area like a falcon. The "Falconer" is also the one in charge of the Hounds... like you said correctly

The 3rd Pred is what Rodriguez reffered to as "Tusk"... I guess that's the one we can see in the trailer and Sneak peak who is holding up Oleg Taktarov. I say that because we can see Tusks on his helmet. His function remains unknown... I guess he is also responsible for the hounds and prefers hand to hand combat... that's a pretty wild guess though...




I think you meant "incorporates".

Don't use words you don't know the meaning of.

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