Fangoria's Predators Set Report

Started by Corporal Hicks, Mar 27, 2010, 01:08:22 PM

Fangoria's Predators Set Report (Read 3,714 times)

Corporal Hicks

Horror website/magazine company Fangoria have just released their set report of Predators:

“We first walk out to one of the film's most important sets: the hunting  camp. You see glimpses of this set in a few shots in the trailer, and it  looks even more incredible in person. As we enter, the dense jungle  opens up to reveal the camp area, which looks to be where the Predators  prepare and skin their prey. Carcasses are strung up, and sharp,  tusklike bones jut out of the ground. Director Nimrod Antal wanted a  creek of blood to run throughout, and there's a large metal spike  jutting up from the ground, covered in alien markings. It looks like  someone or something could wind up being impaled on it, and makeup FX  creator Greg Nicotero seems to verify that later in the day.”

It’s a pretty interesting article and the first of what will be numerous set reports to get released. The report mainly talks about the hunting camp as it took place at the Troublemaker Studio’s. They also confirm that the planet the movie is set on is not the homeworld. Be sure to read Days Among the  "PREDATORS".  Thanks to Johnny Handsome for the news.

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Unroll I hear from nimrod Antalya and Robert rodriguez that this is not the predator homeworld, I will believe it



Tim, it isnt the homeworld alright? Jeeze. ::)



This could be a good Predator movie. :)


I want to think this will be great cuz all signs are pointing that way but than i think back about AVP and AVP-R than i worry about being let down again,



not sure about the river of blood though, its a hunting camp not a slaughter house.

The Pointman

Their hunting camps may be a little different then our type.



I hope they don't make Predator end up being like Vlad the Impaler. I don't mind him skinning and taking spines. I really don't want this to be too violent. I want plenty of action


the river of blood sounds lame.vlad the impaler haha i like that.i hope it does turnout like that?another thing is fangora is a little late on the news of the set don't you think?they should have been the 1st to ge that info.that river of blood thing just sounds like jason verse freddie kruger.

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