Predators Royce Feature

Started by Darkness, Mar 25, 2010, 06:13:20 AM

Predators Royce Feature (Read 12,063 times)



OMG Royce use Billy's Jack Crain made Knife-Machete from the first PREDATOR just awesome!!!!

Brian c

Brian c

do you think he found billys or another one the same



Release date is July 9th (not 7th), according to this poster:

Brian c

Brian c

???  Yeah k its the 9th and by the way do you think that royce somehow found billys knife since he died before he could slash the predator and his knife fell. But how??? Hes nowhere near that location and in p2, they were showing a team invesigated the burned rainforest, dont you think they wouldove found billys knife??? so weird



@Brian c Nobe, I mean Royce might uses the another JAck Crain made knife-machete which is same design as Billy's in the first PREDATOR and If you notice one of the gang members in PREDATOR2 metro scene that guy also armed with this JAck Crain knife too, I think JAck Crain knife is a signature weapon for PREDATOR sequels don't be confused man.

Brian c

Brian c

ok thanks man



i think guys that Brody looks alittle to thin but most spec.ops.guys are'nt that big so he may fit the part,i guess.i still think of what i have seen so far of the preds.they still don't have the badass look or the cool gear like pred.1 and pred.2! as for the characters i think the JAKUZA is pretty cool.



Been waiting for this for a Loooooong time! ;D



i hope the movie will be good :)

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