Predators UK Release is August

Started by Corporal Hicks, Mar 16, 2010, 06:23:18 PM

Predators UK Release is August (Read 4,220 times)

Corporal Hicks

Total Film just announced that the Predators release date is August for those in the United Kingdom:

“With just four months to go until the film's July release date (it’ll  hit the UK on August 11), we'll soon be able to see whether he’s managed  it.”

Can’t say I’m shocked. That is pretty standard these days. Be sure to check out their entire feature while you’re over there. Thanks to DazAvP85 for the tip.

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Great way to fight piracy - release it a month later in UK

When will they learn!!! I know (for a fact) loads of people that will get this on pirate dvd rather than wait for a cinema release - they do it with all films!!!!!



i agree, are these people retarded,i can't see anypoint in this day and age to stagger release dates as it's an open invitation to pirates



well even if it hit everywher the same time, piracy is so easy now theyd get copys anyway, but this suck how its getting here later   :(  



Pirate DVD? They still have those dodgy guys at the market?



I agree staggering the date is rediculous and just an open invitation to the pirates, but then again, chances are this movie will even be screener before it hits the US anyway.

AP Keyes

AP Keyes

Craziness,everyone i know gets a pirate if its out somewhere else first,yet when its released at the same time they go to the pictures,it pisses people off here.


There are many reasons why releases are staggered.
Money will obviously be a factor here, it's not a massive film.



cant wait for it



@ MoBiUGeArSkln   have to disagree with you there about the importance of this movie, after the disappointment of AvP this film is really massive for FOX. They have a lot riding on Predators, as shown by their reluctance to get too involved like they did with AvP. Sure it's all about money too, which makes it all the more bizaar staggering the release dates, when they must know it will end up online before everyone sees it. Only thing I can imagine is, FOX maybe hoping for (or even expecting) a knock-on effect because they know so many want to see this movie, and if it is great word-of-mouth will spread, which wouldn't neccesarily happen with a worldwide release for obvious reasons.  That's quite a gamble these days if you ask me!

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