Alice Braga Talks Predators

Started by Darkness, Mar 10, 2010, 06:28:25 PM

Alice Braga Talks Predators (Read 11,124 times)

Brian c

Brian c


Iced Earth

Iced Earth

This movie is going to be pathetic. Only true old Predator fans would understand it seems.



is the trailer out this weekend? or is it just been screened by critics?


@ iced earth , who are you to decide who's a true predator fan. The movie is not out yet how can u claim IRS pathetic when it's not out yet.



Of course they are tall..rofl. Awesome shit.

Gort Pred

Gort Pred

A true Predator fan is someone who would stand behind anything going on with the character, good or bad. I for one love all te comics, love both movies, sketchy with avp, but loved AVPR only for Wolf. The books are f**king bad ass and the gmes are a shit load of fun to me (i love AVP 2010) and Predator CJ. I am actually not trilled with what ever is going on with this movie, but I'm still somehat excited for the trailer. The only thing I like so far is that thedirector is not bullshitting to us about how "he's such a huge fan and I'm gonna do this, and that, and the predator is gonna take his dick out and whipe the chick in the face!" ya know, were actually getting a f**king director. Thats all....



yea gort pred, i agree, despite the avp movies being slated.... wolf was an awsum character. but i dont agree with rodriguez being a gr8 director, his movies seem too slapstick and daft (remember the guitar case machine guns in desperado,  and dick gun in dusk till dawn)... ther fun movies on their own, but this movie doesnt need that, the first time i saw the preds with the bones off ther masks, i thaut it was guna be another crazy, over the top film, an this just looked like another daft rodriguez movie. im praying he doesnt f**k this up


I am a huge fan of the Alien and Predator movies but i think Predators is gonna suck so f**king badly. the reason why this movie is gonna suck is look at what fox had shoved down our throats nothing but bullshit. they let us all down with both AVP movies. i was hoping when i first heard about AVP that it was gonna have the same feeling like the earlier Alien and Predator movies but was it. HELL NO! i was so f**king disappointed with Paul Anderson's dumbass idea about having them in Antarctica and the pyramid what the f**k is that had to do with the company knowing about the Aliens and their quest to get a live specimen. i didnt see any of that in AVP. both AVP movies had horrible cast just like Predators. who the f**k cares about adrian brody, tropher grace, and the rest of those bozos. i think this movie is gonna suck just like both AVP movies. i wanted a new predator movie but not this worthless piece of shit.

i do like rodriguez's other movies like planet terror, from dusk till down, sin city, the faculty, and desperado but him writing this crap No f**king way!


There's nothing I hate more than a debate about "true fans."

Except the AVP movies.



Horrible cast?? you are calling Adrian Brody, Laurence Fishburne,and topher gace a horrible cast? WTF? Yes you can still have a great cast and a shit movie and i hope this isn't one of them, but i will reserve judgement till i see a trailer and the movie.

Predator:Bounty hunter

Predator:Bounty hunter

I love alice braga.
She is a smart lady.

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