First Look at Predators Concept Art

Started by Corporal Hicks, Mar 03, 2010, 05:56:15 PM

First Look at Predators Concept Art (Read 10,396 times)

Gort Pred

Gort Pred

are these the new Predators? I never saw this pic before and it was not leacked out with the rest



people need to just take a deep breath.. a script is just words until the director executes his interpretation of it. I have read scripts that were amazing yet poorly executed..and I have read scripts that I have considered bad but was pleasantly surprised when saw the movie. You know guys, you can trash it all they long, the art is this, the predators are that, but right now you know almost nothing..Form an educated opinion after you see the movie.. then you'll have the substance needed to make a relevant comment.



No i can't judge what the movie is going to be like from these pictures, no you are correct and i'm still looking forward to the movie. But the fact is those few pics behind look sub-par...fact. Don't get offended, is it that time of the month? yourpms oh i mean yourpfl. Right i'm off to play with my barbies.

Gort Pred

Gort Pred

You can make a bad movie out of a good script, but you can't make a good movie out of a bad script.



No offense taken "Anonymous", now be a a good boy and take your crayons and draw on your Barbies.(just pretend they are Na'vi) ..You keep making my point son.. only idiots judge art from blurry small scans..but in your case and the fact that you insist canning on art you can barely see, it  may be a little jealousy on your part... maybe..because its not your art that is featured..silly boy, judge the art when you see it in the "making of " book and when you  see the movie..till then, keep sniffing the Barbies!   ;D  



@Gort Pred the quote is good but has almost no value today! the Hollywood system has changed..and not for the good of the art. ..50 years ago the Hollywood Studios would have never allowed scripts like Avatar or Transformers to be funded (they are schlock). Bad reading scripts were tossed away long before they reached the pitching table...Yesterday the pyramid rested on a solid script..Today the pyramid is reversed..
all scripts get a meeting..writer/directors put their salesmanship hat on and pitch..depending on their past performances and sterling showmanship they will get  a bad script to be funded, then turn that pile over to a real script writer and develop a shooting script. it is all in the execution!!!  Years ago when real storytellers wrote scripts Hitchcock's quote was chiseled in stone at the door of the majority of studios! Not today..a good majority of the scripts get made for all the other reasons and not because of story.. they get made because of gimmicks(3D)/effects/actor talent that the money men hope it will turn into box office gold.

Predator-bounty hunter

Predator-bounty hunter

He is a genius men.   ;)  

Gort Pred

Gort Pred

@yourPFL I agree with you. But you proved my point more. Alot of movies now suck ass big time. So this movie because of it's bad script will suffer just like the rest.


funny how many haters here cant even draw themselves.

imo it looks pretty cool



ok im sooo hyped for this movie ive been looking forward to a third film in the predator series....i am a bit confused tho ...i read the script and in the script it describes the super preds armor as a mix between mideval armor and samurai armor supposedly it has spikes on it and stuff....but in the concept art it looks like his armor is jus regular armor unless they changed it after all it is just concept art... no matter what im pretty sure this movie is gunna kick ass..

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