Mahershalalhashbaz Ali Interview

Started by Darkness, Jan 15, 2010, 05:06:49 PM

Mahershalalhashbaz Ali Interview (Read 2,573 times)



There’s an interview with Mahershalalhashbaz Ali (who plays Mombasa in Predators) over on 411Mania. It basically just says he enjoyed his time on the movie but mentions they put together a trailer when they were still shooting. Here’s the relevant bits:

Al Norton: Did you just finish work on Predators?

M Ali: We just finished and it should be out July 9th.

Al Norton: Between the writer (Robert Rodriguez) and your fellow cast members (Adrian Brody, Lawrence Fishburne, Topher Grace, Danny Trejo), how much fun was that?

M Ali: It was a blast. It was an amazing experience. We were in the tropical rainforests of Hawaii stomping through the mud and getting rained on all day and then we ended up finishing in Austin, Texas. I really think this movie is going to be good. They had cut together a trailer while we were still working and it looked amazing. It’s a great cast and along with the action elements and the sci-fi elements, and with Robert Rodriguez being involved, I think it’s going to push it to another level.

Thanks to Darkoo for the news.

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lets just hope this movie turns out good!



I will be happy on july 9



I still can't get over this guys name! What the hell were his parents thinking? What is he supposed to do when he has to fill his name out on a scantron!? LOL.


A trailer! NICE! hope it comes out soon.  i wonder who will make the score for this film.

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