Predators Script Leaked!

Started by Darkness, Nov 11, 2009, 06:31:52 PM

Predators Script Leaked! (Read 24,399 times)



good god, now what. I swear Fox is trying to f**k this character up. God I hope thats not the actuall script. If this movie is as bad as it sounds, it'll put the final nail in the coffen on any further predater movies.   I have to mention the latest comic release from dark horse is a steaming pile of shit as well.



Just goes to show what a horrible pick Rodriguez is for a predator movie. Judging by these comments Im pretty sure he made yet another piece of shit script. I'm not gonna read it because I dont want to put myself through the pain of reading more of his crappy ideas and how he's getting ready to destroy this movie.



Always whining ?!? Its a predator movie so it must be good. Arnie ending would be epic   ;D  



Atleast this way u wont get hyped 4 the movie n get disappointed.... cuz u already no its shite lolz    ::)  



Do you have to download this Script!!! Is this the only Way ?



If Fox would stop being so stingy about budgeting... AVP-R had much more potential, especially since the Strause Bros. planned it to be in space, in the fututre... just like the games... Also, if there is a third installment of AvP for the movies, let's hope they don't call the xenos "serpents"



Personally,I have read the whole thing and, personally i like it, its a new twist on the concept and i like it. And personally i can see the people they casted for these roles in this movie..  Before i read this i was completely against this movie. but now...I gonna go see it.  I say give it a chance.



I've read the script, and I think it's crap. It's official, Fox doesn't care about the character, nor does it care about the fans. I now know how the Dragonball fans felt when DB: Evolution came out.   The Predators are completely out of character, some of the scenes are just rediculous, and it's a damn shame too. The endings are the icing on the crap cake though.   Rodriguez has said he wasn't doing this for the fans, but for casual interest... I believe Rodriguez has no idea what the hell he is doing.   Just cause something is "cool" doesn't make it right.



I agree. Fox doesn't care about the character anymore. Rakaithwei said it best. I'm gonna pretend and hope that's not the real script.



I say Do you have to download this Script Is this the only Way ?   ???  



Actually I'm kinda worried... This movie will be nothing but a pile of smelly shit. They think having Predator on big screne will be enough to lure people and there is no need to have a good script...There is no need to be original or have it well-writen. What for? Idiot fans will go and watch it anyway...and I must confess no matter what it will be we will all go and watch it. Thats the truth.   :-[  



Don't blame Fox for what can be blamed primarily on RR and the often-referenced producer who fought to get this greenlit. They're just a studio. They back ideas which are pitched to them in such a way as they believe they can make decent money from them.  If Fox interferes too much, you get 'Alien 3'. If they keep things to a hands off basis, you get this.  Either way, don't blame them. There are others who are far more responsible.



Fine you all think Im stupid, ok Im stupid, I can't pay for the download so can someone let me in on what the Script says please.



ROB  its a free download

Burn the Floor

Burn the Floor

The "Dutch" ending sounds a helluva lot like the ending of "Alien vs Hunter"...

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