Predators Filming at Lake Gorge

Started by Darkness, Nov 24, 2009, 07:01:10 PM

Predators Filming at Lake Gorge (Read 11,553 times)



this guy(robert R) actually said that he is going to ignore ALL the sequels and crosses, which is ignoring predator 2, AVP, AVP R quoting " maybe people will forget all the BAD sequels and think that only this one and the original exist". should i even begin explaining why if he does that its going to be a complete FAIL   >:(  

Gort Pred

Gort Pred

@ Darklarik  well if Rob wants us to forget the sequels and think Predator and Predators, then when this film sucks we can forget about this one too =D yay one peace of good news!



@dallas:  Haha, will be cool to see the local area in the movie.. that's for sure.  :)

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