Nimród Antal Talks Predators

Started by Darkness, Nov 29, 2009, 08:56:39 PM

Nimród Antal Talks Predators (Read 15,133 times)



Predators director, Nimród Antal, has spoken about the movie in a chat with He talks about how he got the job to direct Predators, and about the cast. He implies they will be going practical for the Predator costumes as opposed to CGI. The Arnie cameo is still up in the air right now. One thing he does confirm is that the movie is being shot as a R-Rated film.

“So far, it’s been great, and I think that the fans who may have been underwhelmed by the last two AVP films, I think they’re in for a very pleasant surprise,” he told us tentatively when asked how it was going.

Since the movie’s title seemingly will include Robert Rodriguez’s name even though the Austin-based filmmaker isn’t directing, we were curious how involved Rodriguez was in the actual making of the movie. “Robert hired me, so obviously I’m very grateful for him giving me a shot. He is involved in the screenplay and we’ve had a lot of conversations, and any big decisions I want to make, I always speak to him about, but he’s been very gracious and he’s been letting me do my thing. He’s really let me perform and he’s let me dance, so again, I’m grateful to him for that.”

Thanks to JaredK21 for the news.

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Hmm, I hope the movie is good..    :-\  



Ive got high hopes for this movie, please please please be good.



OK well its clear where RR stands in line with the movie, he does have some input but at the end of the day its Nimrods.

Commander Griker

This keeps getting better by the minute



Yeah!..Go Nimrod Go!



Its just making my hearth warm up every time to read about fellow Hungarian Antal Nimr



finally some interview with mr. Antal.....i was waiting for that since he was announced as a director....looking good

Gort Pred

Gort Pred

well Nimrod is the only hope this film has. I just hope he makes the right changes but he can't do anything about how much lack of pacing the script has



He seems to be really into making a good film.  I am willing to give him a shot. Who knows, Nimrod Antal could be the man to save the Predator franchise.



moviez gna be crap, end of... want proof? have a quik look at the script n tell me otheriwse    ::)  

The Wolf

The Wolf

Coming from someone who can barely spell correctly.



Ouch 'The Wolf'... Thats..just mean.    :D   But thanks.

Will it bleed?

Will it bleed?

Shrek said it all. Man look at the script! After all the waiting for those abominations called AVP and the final result, I'm practically done with the AVP universe. This movies stroke such a chord for generations because they were done by real film makers and cinematographers who were willing to create rather than produce.  I think FOX hasn't learned anithing from AVPs, the fact that Robert Rodriguez is somehow involved shouldn't keep my hopes up. Do you know anyone with the caliber of Ridley or Cameron atched to this project? I hope I'm really wrong. I must confess the only thing that sparks some kind of hope for quality, is the surprising cast of Brody... Untill July 2010



Well alot of people still have hope with this project, I for one dont as it died when i read about predator falcons and dogs and oooh a black super predator!! so that shit just threw me right off

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