Howard Berger on Predators

Started by Darkness, Sep 24, 2009, 07:50:10 PM

Howard Berger on Predators (Read 8,029 times)



" we wanted to have the Predator look as it did in the original film. We went back and looked at the original."  That's the good news of the day! Don't forget to keep original pred sound too!! ...But I agree they can borrow pred weapon from AVP-R, those have been much better than previous movies. Does am I the only one to appreciate AVP-R for pred design and character?



Ancient: We also know from those involved that it's going to be "the same story". If it somehow has undergone a radically different variation, then it's only been in the last month or so and one would have expected them to be hinting at that, considering all the bad publicity this has got.  Also, what makes you think it'll be any better than those other films?



Dallas 121 - ''Does am I the only one to appreciate AVP-R for pred design and character?''  Im with u dude! the only thing good about avp r was the wolf :) the look sound and feel. Ian Whyte did a fantastic job and the brothers strause did a good job with the pred!    :)  



good to hear there going with the original stan winston predator    ;D   allthough like everyone else, im worried about this film being rushed    :(  



"There's a whole bunch of cool [Predator's] in the film"  lol from this sentance , A shiver ran down my u all remember the avp ones when they waffled about things in the film



I do agree that the Pred's in AVP-R were vast improvements over those in AVP. Wolf was really a great character. But a great character in a bad film. I think the only problems I had with his designs was with the whip. I wish it had some more weight to it. But thats about it. The vision modes also had some issues in visibility and consistency.   As far as the writing, we know that Rodriguez script is serving as the basis for the new film. But as far as the quality of the writing, the character interactions the development, this may all have changed. Such things can evolving without changing the overall sequence of events. I imagine there to certaintly be some differances.



But here is the thing, Rodriguez is trying to apply the formula from Aliens to Predator and I just do not see it working like that unless it was a group of Predators hunting on some planet named LV something.   But no, Rodriguez wants this movie set on the or a Predator planet, have the humans kicking alot of Predator butt, and make the creature which we all grew to love from the 87 classic into the butt of many jokes. If a group of Commandos got owned by a single Predator in the 87 classic, which according to Roddy's shit smear script, do you honestly thing 9 people have a chance on a planet full of Predators?   No. They don't.   And Rodriguez apparently didn't like the idea of Predators being a clan based society which was introduced in Predator 2, a concept we grew to like for many years.   I don't see this film working as a Predator film..

shred predator

shred predator

they also said for avp:requiem they wanted to go back to the original predator look and you see how that turned out. havent yall learned from the past 2 movies with predators in them to not hold your breath? I have.

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