First Look at Predators Script!

Started by Darkness, Sep 28, 2009, 07:18:42 PM

First Look at Predators Script! (Read 20,775 times)



"You all said the same thing for AVP:requiem and look how it turned out"  EXACTLY. People sure are stupid, or just plain naive, or both. Save your money, don't see it. Or more importantly don't waste one hour and thirty minutes of your life.



Everyone here seem to forgot than Robert Rodriguez isn't Strauss and at least, he got some style!  And for those who complain it will ignore AvP and AvPR. GOOD DAMNIT! Those movie where a insult to the two franchise...



you people still bitch about it being havent even seen it yet. talk about jumping to conclusions.



Just shut the hell up people this movie will reunite the predator that stan came up with. Gess us christ you better be a predator fan to accuse these people like you know it all.



Never said I know it all, no one does. But at least I can spell unlike you. What exactly is a "gess"? Also know that the real designer behind our beloved Predator is a dude named Jim Cameron....

Mike D

Mike D

Why do you think Jim Cameron designed the Predator when it was Stan the man Winston.

Brian c

Brian c

Mike D i got your back man you know your shit..   8)  

Mike D

Mike D




Go Mike D Go!   :D  

William K....

William K....

Why would there be a need for a "Black Super Predator"?    You figure the Predators would save their Super Predators for something a little more dangerous than humans.    The original Predator took out a thoroughly trained squad, which included the likes of Action Jackson, A WWF legend, a freakin Apache, and not to mention the squad sent before them!    Danny Trejo is a crazy diesel bad-ass mo-fo mexican, but a "Super Predator", 3 of them for him? Naaaa...  Michael jai White is rumored to be in the movie as well, maybe he will be playing the Super Predator, hence the need to make him black!  I thought all Predators were black because of the dreads they sported.



Chris P  You are wrong, go back and watch the movie again. The character Billy, does die. After Dutch is the only character still fighting for life, it goes to a scene where the predator throws Billy down on a tree and then pulls out his spine and skull, making a trophy.       The concept of having Arnold in this movie is dumb to me. If they do not have any thing to do with the second predator movie and just run straight off the first and completely ignore the second, then it will work. If you watch the second predator, Gary Buseys character tells Glovers character that Dutch who had the first experience with a predator in the jungle, died just weeks after his encounter with the predator. Lets hope that this one will wipe the second predator and all other predator movies other than the first off the face of the planet. MORE GORE, MORE BLOOD, MORE KILLING, I WANT AN M RATING DAMNIT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mike D

Mike D

I guess I got to watch Predator 2 for the 1 trillionth time b/c I don't remember mr gary saying dutched died weeks later.



sounds good but the more I think about it its seems dumb



Wow, this sounds really awesome i can't wait!!!!    :o  



sounds boring and predictable, need to have predator vs crank or predator vs shoot em up , LOL that would be awesome. like to see where the carrot ends up.

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