Nimrod Antal Directing Predators

Started by Corporal Hicks, Jul 02, 2009, 09:36:41 PM

Nimrod Antal Directing Predators (Read 16,933 times)


Slaine--   "Another lone pred on earth would be boring as shit."  What makes you say that? Who said it had to take place on Earth instead of some other alien planet which is NOT the Predator homeworld?   Like say... for example, LV-InsertRandomNumberHere or Fury-161?   A Predator movie doesn't have to take place on Earth or the homeworld.



The point was "the lonely pred"...which is true, we already saw 2 movies with 1 predator, i wanna see something new...


I am glad that we can create Hungarians, although I do not know what the outcome will be   ???   Goo!    >:D     8)  


Trying to create something new and pleasing the fans is a hard job.  Jim Cameron pulled it off because he was a visionary in his own right; the brothers Strauss failed because they had no clear vision.  It's a double edged sword and if you don't know your target audience or your craft, you may as well just give up and save yourself the embarrassment and shame of the failure *looks at the Strauss's*



Antal Nimrod: Sick, brutal, pervert, will be AWESOME!


oh boy..this is going to suck..  who wants to bet it'll suck worse than AvP:R? I'm betting $20.


@ Death: why not make it $50 mate? This'll suck worse than a nun giving head for the first time



cant be worse than AVPR... or can it    ::)  



Hey, least its not Uwe Boll xD



you know most of you netnerds that whine and bitch they lissin to right? thats why these flims suck! all you can do is whine mone and bitch. and many are just to easly entertained and no this is not a democracy. its a republic." legines to the republic to the united sattes "



these films need to be reinvented like batman with the most serious tone they achieve or its going to suck till its hurts.

Chopper predator

From now on, weyland yutani corp isn't "the company" that keeps screwing up, FOX IS!!!  damn... fox yutani corp, damn the company.

Chopper predator

All these screwups from fox, its almost as if they WANT us to be angry!    :o  

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