AICN Talk To Robert Rodriguez

Started by Darkness, Apr 25, 2009, 06:54:12 PM

AICN Talk To Robert Rodriguez (Read 18,218 times)

Mr. Weyland

Mr. Weyland

Is this me or are things moving a little to fast, we already have a release date and everything but its not even got a writer or director yet, this is a most confusing production.    :-\  

The Wolf

The Wolf

You know, I'm still not completely with the remake idea, which it still seems to have some sort of presence of a remake but the more I read on this the more friendly I'm getting with this idea. This doesn't sound half bad. It sounds like its going to be into the future a little rather than the originals.. why can't they just treat it as a sequel then? That would be simple.



Oh dear god yes a SEQUEL!!! OH NO IT'S HIS ORIGFNAL SCRIPT!!! It's going to be shit.



NVM I just read the previous news headline lol....YAY!!



I'm disappointed b yall the comments on AICN saying how it would be awesome for Dutch to be abducted, on account of his once killing a Predator. The fact taht there weren't any other Predators around to witness it or that things which can only see heat wouldn't be able to recognise him (especially after all this time), seems to escape their notice.   :)  

Mr. Domino

Mr. Domino

The theory in the P2 novelization was that the Jungle Hunter's helmet sent back a recording of his failed hunt right before he turned into an oily spot on the ground. How else can the urban hunter's knowledge of the word 'motherf**ker' in response to 'you are one ugly...' be explained? So the Dutch being abducted theory is more plausible than at first it sounds. Mind you, its still a terrible idea, but...



I like the sound of this. So far out of the news we are getting, it looks like Robert Rodreguez knows what he's doing. The studio added " new bold storyline in the predator franchise", that is a start. Then Arnold mentioned is another good start. Having it been rated r is a another one as well. We just have to get approved by arnold to do the part and make it in the predator homeworld in space during the future. If they do that with a good story, high budget, good director, take time etc, it will be a success. July 7, 2010 is a perfect time to release the film.



Domino, they still wouldn't be able to pinpoint who Dutch was or his location. Especially at any kind of range. :)  It's one of the weaknesses with the sequel. Harrigan's allegedly being tracked around the city, but there's no real way for the creatures to have been doing so, given what we know of them. Tracking the only humanoid blob of heat in a jungle is very different to doing so in a city, over the space of several days.  Trynig to find Dutch somewhere on Earth, more than two decades later, would be even more impossible.



Brian, it's just hyperbole. the same as how 'Reqiuem' was always being mentioned in every single interview as allegedly "back to the Roots", "gritty" and "dark", when it really wasn't.

Pvt. Hicks

Pvt. Hicks

Uh oh, they haven't discussed the rating? Bad sign.



Well this sounds less like a remake. That makes me happier.



Future generations are gonna look at Alien and Predator as those "shitty alien movies" because things like this and the AVP movies are the only things they're exposed to.  Shit, half the people I know are already at that point.  f**k this project.



all i have to say is this - get Stan Winston's company involved for the predator.    i think the story should revolve around a rogue predator who doesn't honor the rituals etc - a real bad a$$ who would even skin a pregnant woman, but the ultimate skilled assassin.  then have a predator or two hunt him and have an all out slug fest.  just my two cents.  i hope it turns out well.  i have a little faith.



Still 50/50 with me.



Great! Sounds good! I can't understand fans who pissed off every single news. When fox did AVP1...Everybody pissed off it: too much humans...For AVP-R: Humans characters sucks... And now 22 years after Pred 1, yes 22 years waiting for something or someone who can handle the franchise, Fans pissed off Rodriguez...That's uncool, this guy did good movies. Why not given to him a chance? I'm very exciting for Predators...I just hope they will kept pred sounds, and overall music!

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