Yesterday i was looking for the TLW:JP official website because i had always wanted to go there,i thought it would be like the videogames and movies,but instead i got this, ,this half dead POS.then i realized,this is what the AVP-R site will be like 10 years from now!.Some teen is going to find that site,and it's going to be half dead!.Now,for a while i thought "They should just end the franchises and put them out of their misery" .But after visiting that site I began to start thinking "I do'nt want it to be left with just AVP-R finnishing it!.Ya i loved it,but compared to P1 and A1 it's just a stinking pile of horse manure!!.It needs that epic sequal to finnish it off!.Otherwise it will be like the JP series with JP3 leaving it hanging!!" .Yes,all things must die eventualy,but these franchises need to go out with a bang,but not from people pulling out their gun's and shooting at the screen in dismay,but with it being that epic movie that will leave you happy for the next 10 years!.WHO'S WITH ME!?!DARKNESS!?!,BUEEE!?!,SULACO!?!,(*shakes fist with each syllable*) A-V-P-3!!!.A-V-P-3!!!.A-V-P-3!!!.A-V-P-3!!!
