HBO Programme Screenshots!

Started by Darkness, Aug 07, 2004, 12:00:13 AM

HBO Programme Screenshots! (Read 24,689 times)



Firstly, thanks to forum member UltraBeast for sending me the HBO AvP Special programme. The file itself is 30MB which I’m going to upload to FilePlanet after I’ve written this. It’s really good quality too but the first minute or so were missed off. Anyway, I’ve spent the last hour or so creating screen captures and you can find 125 images from the HBO Programme in the HBO Special Gallery.


All I can say when I watched this is Wow. There’s a couple more shots on the next page but make sure you check out the Gallery for all 125. I will update the news when I’ve, hopefully, uploaded the video file to FilePlanet.

Update: Download HBO Special: Mirror 1 | Mirror 2 | Mirror 3 (27.3MB)






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way f**king kool     ;D    joy first post again lol



Whoa man! Amazing. The first person shot of the Alien swarm is incredible to say the least! Anderson pulled it off! Its a masterpiece I tell ya! If this doesn't smash all kinds of sci-fi movie records and become an instant classic I will be utterly baffled!



  ;D  Wait till u see the HBO special   ???  

Zach Wachob

Zach Wachob

Its not gonna set box office records

Orion The Hunter

Orion The Hunter

Already seen. But soon we be able to download.  1....  2....  3....  Yay!!!!



Holly sh*t this movie is gonna rock !!!! and kick ass,cool shot of the ALIENS going up the pyamid!

El Demonio Cazador

El Demonio Cazador

Thanks ULTRA!! Thanks Darkness!!! You know guys...when I first heard about this movie being made I got so HYPED!! I couldn't wait...then during the course of the months I was excited sometimes, then Skepctical some others...up and down, I've criticized Paul and Fox some others, and Gillis and Woodruff, and I guess I'm kind of and Old School guy, I love Ridley Scott, HR Giger Stan Winston....James Cameron...but you know what!!  ITS 2004, And P.A. has done a movie for 2004!! A different concept, enchanced different creatures, and by the looks of it ACTION PACKED MAYHEM!!! I don't care anymore if it's PG-13 I don;t care anymore that Giger or Winston aren't involved, I just want to see this guys RUMBLE THE MOVIE SCREEN And seems like that's gonna happen!!!  IM EXCITED ABOUT THIS!! AVP RULES!!!! I'M  ALL HYPED AGAIN!!!! JUST 6 DAYS TO GO!!!!!



on the first pic, if u guys go and see all 125 pics u see that the lil red thing showing on the preds arm iz a small out line of the pyramid  f**king awesome



Kickass.. </Cartman>



thx ultra beast for doing this, i was gonna do it but i dont have time, oh and my camera takes crappy video.



yea to my surprise my dad typed it, so i was able to see it. petty good show i must say...made me a beliver even more.  as well all hope, we hope PA dont let us down, i dont even want to think what would happen if he did



ULTRA & DARKNESS are the best !!thnx guyz!

Rusty Nails

Rusty Nails

Lovely. :)  -Rusty Nails

Orion The Hunter

Orion The Hunter

Before i forget thanx for all the pictures Ultra and Darkness.

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