Three New AvP Clips

Started by Darkness, Aug 11, 2004, 08:37:25 PM

Three New AvP Clips (Read 23,452 times)



i agree the sob line is ok bein said to an alien.  No One has had anything positive to say about the novel! Does it just suck? Will the movie suck if it is exactly the same? Are there even enough creature scenes in the movie or have we already seen a little of everything? Also, someone come up with an answer on what kind of firepower the team has



well the thing about the novel is that you see the preds/aliens fighting right off the bat...although pa has already stated that you wont see them til about halfway into the film or so because of "character development" but the novel kept me glued to it, i couldnt put the damn thing down and read it cover to cover in one session



I think there are too much these coment places.i do not have enough time to see em all



The guns are M-16 type 2s rifles, developed for the US Airborne/Paras (am a Brit so don't know your military that well). Pistol looks like a Smith and Western. Anyone know what date the film is out in the UK please? Thanks!

Heavy Metal Spike

Heavy Metal Spike

I've got to the point where I don't dare look at anything other than headlines here now - too worried that I'll have no surprises left when I see the actual movie!  Great job though darkness - keep up the good work - I'll watch the blimmin' things AFTER Friday afternoon!  ................. 48 hours (exactly) to go    ;D     ;D  



G-Dog dont listen to ByJove. The book states the weapons are MP5's (which are the rifles) and Desert Eagle ( which is mosly as pistols. Yes only 48 hours. I have to watch all the alien and the pred movies by then. Now for some badnews. I am going to the Egyption Movie Theater in Maryland for the premeir and I will be away form home until tuesday. I wont have an early report you guys.    :-\   I have to check if my cell phone can get onto this site. If anyone lives in the Maryland area and wants to meet me at the theater go to the midnight screening in the first theater its playing at. I will be sitting in the back.



I'm not watching these cause I don't want to corrupt the movie.



man they must really like that weapon,those guys are all carrying the g36 assult rifles with a mock laser site with a folding stock ,i believe its a 5.56 mm by 45,and that was really stupid that they gave them the desert eagles,they should have gave them more of a spec ops type of pistol like the usp socom or another differrent type of weapon that real armed forces carry with them on real missions, but it still looks good.   ;D  

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