AvP Officially Gains PG13?

Started by Darkness, Jul 23, 2004, 02:21:27 PM

AvP Officially Gains PG13? (Read 24,958 times)



20040723 Well, this was the news we were all expecting the last few months. According to Dark Horizons, Alien vs Predator has officially gained a PG13 rating:

“An interesting set report from the team-up is at VisiMag. The film has officially garnered a PG-13 rating.”

If you also read the original article on VisiMag, it gives no indication to the rating but the complete article in the magazine apparently features this news. The set report can be found in Issue 114 of ‘Shivers’ and the magazine’s cover is on the next page if you want to buy it.

Thanks to Agent Glenn, Oh and Dark Horizons for the news.

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http://www.avp-movie.com/images/legal.jpg  "THIS FILM IS NOT YET RATED"    8)  

Pvt Hudson

Pvt Hudson

i also love how the page stating its pg-13 has already been taken off the dark horizons website and that the shivers magazine starts with the sentence!  We report from the Prague set of the highly-anticipated monster team-up, starring Lance Henriksen and Sanaa Lathan   reporting from prague all those months ago huh? oh well! im just waiting for mpaa rating! thats the only official source!

El Demonio Cazador

El Demonio Cazador

Well, the if you go to www.mpaa.org and search the database for Alien vs. Predator it doesn't appear yet, and since it's the official organization that rates movies in the US everything else is still rumors....  Saludos



I double checked Pvt Hudson and the page on Dark Horizons that states its a PG 13 is still there, in the news bites section



You know, I'm really starting to think this is funny. All these sites are in conflict, saying it's either PG-13 or R rated, but in reality all they're doing is GUESSING! Hahahaha!  Seriously, I'm starting to laugh at all this. At first I was afraid the movie wasn't going to be any good, but then I realized- this is STUPID! Hahaha. From now on I'm just going to laugh at these "rating" things all these websites are saying. I won't trust any until I see the rating posted on the AVP website.  I'm confident this movie will be great. I don't really care much for the rating, which is why all this is looking even funnier to me now. It's just a huge circus.



what a load of crap



MPAA has not yet rated AVP, which means they could say anything. Titanic should have been rated R, but it wasnt, because the MPAA just takes people off the street, sits them down, and thye watch the film, they then all vote and decide on a rating.  if it says "f**k" more then once, it is automatically R, but in the book it only says "f**k" once.  It could go either way people, I hear the producer say "we are aiming at PG-13" and paul saying "Im not aiming for any specific rating, but I would be surprised if it got a PG-13, i mean, its pretty grusome."   WE DONT KNOW UNTIL IT SAYS SO ON MPAA.COM or AVP-MOVIE.COM!!!

Gabriel Darko

Gabriel Darko

so a load of 12 year old wankers are gona be alowed in the cinema, great



I'll agree with everybody, it's bullshit until I hear it from the MPAA itself.



fwew god man as soon as i saw this i was shaking...glade to know its not real   8)  .



O shit. The people out there need to decide on a damn rating because they are getting us a ll hyped up for something that hasent officialy been decided. There are alot of graphic PG-13 movies out there. Theres Wyatt Earp, the Tremors movies and look at Jaws. That was scary, graphic and PG. (because there was no PG-13 in the 70's. Its gotten to the point where Im not taking any of these magazine ratings seriously untill MPAA gives me one.



eh, im startin to give two shits less about the rating anymore, im jus waiting for the "good film" anderson has promised us



ok what r these new pics in this dumb mag?



They said f**k once in the book right? Was there more language in the book other than that?

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