Well i saw that traila on 5 different channels, fox, teletoon, tsn, mtv, and i dont remember the last one. And they all said that it was not yet rated. None said that it was R NOR 13. So its not official yet. And about those sites that says its R or 13, we had ALOT of these few weeks back remember?? We shouldnt believe a site exep the
avp-movie.com. They will tell us what is goin on. I wont trust any other film site, i dont care if its the official site of the US, for me they r just like the 20 or so other sites that said that it was R , 13, R, 13 ... This unfortunately is maybe goin in for a 13. But if the documentary is 15

and the film 13??!! man i will want to see that documentary. And even if its 13, we will see alot of gore, most of the gore in tha book is alien and pred, not much of red blood. Some scenes yes but not that much. AR should had been 13, just like A3. And P1, for alot of ppl, these were 13 material, not R . Violence is everywhere on tv, kids r now ok with it. I dont think that gore will make a rating switch that much, a " f**k " will, but maybe not gore anymore. There wont be any sexual thing in this, nor many coarse language, just 2 aliens beating the crap out of each other, with a lil ketchup on top of that. It will not be a human slaughter house, just a battlefield btw 2 space creatures. This will be good even if 13, a chop of the 2 franchise's honor will have go into the drain, but it will still be AVP for god sake! Just wait to see the final Rating AND result.