Final AvP Movie Poster Out

Started by Darkness, May 14, 2004, 10:54:38 PM

Final AvP Movie Poster Out (Read 21,241 times)



It looks OK!  Perhaps not as professional / striking as the others, but it's my favourite so far!  A poster depicting an additional face-hugger would be gravy!  J



is it official???

or is it fan-art????



I like it.

Winston Rothschild

Winston Rothschild

I dont think it is fan art look at the bottom where it says 20th century fox



I think it looks quite impressive, i would have liked something a bit more original though.



I like the poster myself and the background looks great to me because it makes them stand out.  I would know how hard it is just to have a good background since I'm an artist myself and think with the white was a good choice.  I thought it made both stand out pretty much than having a dark background which they probably blend in too much with the background.  I hope maybe they sell this one somewhere or have another one come out soon   :)    I would be very happy   ;D  



the alien is drooling, eww.... anyway, now it's black vs white topic, lol. but it should have more stuff, like a human, facehugger, or another pred...  i think alien has no gender...becasue they don't mate, the queen just kept lay eggs without male's help...they need host.



now wait just a minute, could this mean that the final trailer is just around the corner now? but yeah the poster is definately eye-catching...something to turn on those who have yet to hear about it...



It bieng set in the antarctic cant be to simply be far from civilization. These aztec* people werent running around like eskimo's when this pyramid was built with the help of predators, lol. The theory just fits well at this point because it is so far away and cold, they can just run with it at this point. Doesnt really matter whether its cold and full of snow anyway, beside the explosion there is no snow in any major shot. Pyramid in the tropics or south pole wouldnt look any diferent once your inside anyhow (beside the actors wearing coats).



Cool Poster   8)   A blue background might look a bit better though.



You know, being in a frozen environment could also help the Predators see.  With them seeing in infrared, and being in a cold place, any heat at all means life.  So being in the arctic can train them to detect movement while hunting, so it will be easier to spot what they are hunting in warmer climates.



Predators hunt in exwarm climats because it makes hoter  which makes us hotter which makes the predators hunting us easer to see. Whean its cooleder outside we get cooleder which makes us harder to see. my gess is that whean the people made the pyramid it was alot hotter out.  P.s. now that you think of it, it is cinda funny haveing a walking dick with teeath rip you apart. What a way to die eh?   ;D  



If you notice in the preview with the drawing board and long hair Anderson (first mpeg preview), they show what the new infared looks like in a quick picture shot as they credit PA with the movie RE. It outlines the soft tissue but has the skeleton in bold color. This alone is going to be some sick screen time stuff imo. Once this movie comes out we're gonna look back at P1 and P2 and wonder how we accepted that previous vision mode    ;D  .

Rusty Nails

Rusty Nails

"i think alien has no gender...becasue they don't mate, the queen just kept lay eggs without male's help...they need host. "  The xenomorph is pure sexuality. Haven't you watched the Quadrilogy boxset? :) The facehuggers rape their victimes through the mouth (oral sex) planting its seed within the host.  -Rusty Nails



Aliens being homo? you come up with that one yourself?

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