New AvP Featurette Released!

Started by Darkness, Apr 07, 2004, 01:48:37 PM

New AvP Featurette Released! (Read 20,542 times)

Bringer of Death

Bringer of Death

Thats a hard question to answer there DALLAS but I think I would have to say the ALIENS because of there ability to adapt to any environment and there unpredictability as a creature is what makes them so strong and deadly.Don't get me wrong though I love the Preds, there a kick ass monster and very high tec indeedbut if you have a queen anywere there is sure to be a large and growing hive to follow.Now in terms of a one on one fight between the 3 species, us,aliens and preds that all depends on the surrounding and sercumstances.If you in a wide open area that gives advantages to Predator smart weaponsand human firearms, if your in tight confinements the Aliens quick and vicious mentality I think would have the advantage there.All in all its a tough one so prob. the only right answer is whoever your fav is I guess.To the Star Wars remark,I think Star Wars is f**kin lame!!!!!,mabey the fist couple are all right but the more they keep making the suckier they get.Now that statment my piss a few people iff so thats just my opinion not fact all you jedi freeks out there.    ;D  



Hahaha, you are great Bringer of Death, but you are right too. I like the first three Star Wars Episodes. I mean Star Wars, Empire..and Return..that should be clear. The "new" Episodes suck in anyway. Bad Effects, and horrible Actors. I think the young Anakin in Attack of the Clowns  ...ehm..Clones, look like a gay Boygroupmember. You also on the right way with the deadliest Badass in Space. Thats realy a matter of the Situation but from the hostile Point, the Alien make the Race.  Look, a Pred dont care about weak or maybe ill Persons. He dont Kill Children or impregnated Woman. So if you gonna meet a Pred with no weapons, he will kick you away because thats no chalenge for him. An Alien dont give a f**k abaout that all. It kills everything, no matter how old or something. And it would never Team up with Humans ;-) because its to simple in its existence. Killing and Breeding thats all. A Pred can choose the Way of his hunt. But an Alien is like a programmed Weapon. And that is the Reason for me to say the Alien is by far more dangerous as a Pred. Its not bcause iam Alienfan some of my Predloverfriends think in the same way. No one must agree with me in this point. Its my opinion but i think its a very logical one.



Bringer of death and Dallas, i salute you. I too think the Alien is the most ruthel and deadliest killing machine in the alien/pred universe. What i hate the most about Alien resurrection is the fact the Aliens are so inferior, one shot and youve got a lot of acid, at least in the first and third there is a hint of indestructability. Aliens is just taking the piss (it's still a masterpeice though!) and spiderman2... imagine spiderman v alien, it would be battle of the cocconing (have i spelt that wrong?)   ;D 



Hi @ Sanit man..  Thanks for your replys. Interesting yes hmmm. But just a few points to get some clearing up. Hmmmm. "Besides, the first Predator spent the majority of the film simply picking off his targets in the distance using sniping tactics. I don't think he was honorable at all. He may have disarmed himself (still had the wrist-blades) but that could also be a sign of arrogance." Then.... " but like I said, the first Predator spent the "majority" of the movie using those tactics, I didn't say that was all he did". The old switchy tactic,,, haaaaa.... Majority of his time spent was not sniping. Count them when you watch the movie. It actually does not fall under majority of time of kills heeeeee... Hmmmmm.......  Also  "Personally, I agree somewhat with Anderson's outlook on the two Predators, being novices because they haven't earned the right to hunt Aliens." Which 2 Predators, if your are including the 2nd one P2 also. Hmmmmmm didnt he have an Alien trophy on his walll....... Hmmmmmmm..... "The Predators in AVP are passed the human hunting phase" Hmmmmm Then the one in P2 is going backwards in his skills regarding andersons and your theory. Wowwwww.  Anyone noticed the Queens teeth in the internet trailer???????? Anyone????????????????????    :)     8) 

Has anyone seen the facehugger crawling on the Predator. It looks real great !!!!  They also stated something about the Queen at the end.  This movie will have some great bits. Andersons is showing himself commented. But why leave Stan Winston out oh mannnn... Even Giger????????? But big cannons???????  Hey Quick Questions. If the humans did not go down their. What would the Predators use as hosts. Many be anderson may show us or not. Oh I know penguins. Wow Penguins aliens. Image sliding on the ice and  they would be one of the most cutiest monsters around. eeeeeeeeeeh.       ??? 



LOL, predator dragon, great idea, or polar bear alien, and seal alien, LOL   ;D  



3 words: It's the best!!



Let me tell you something ALiminator star war fans are abounch of pussies,if they are watching alien films they should stop because i wouldnt want them to have any nightmares,THE wHOLE WORLD OF AVP is adult entertainment,not for kids to watch and cheer at,you need to have a certain taste,and a eye to watch a alien/predator film and truly understand it,and i can tell you star war fans dont have it,and ill tell you why, star war is the is a candy land version of evil and darkness put in veiw where evil a slap in the face,and aliens/predator film is the heart of darkness where the KILLER of killers live to blow your head off..............................get the point?   8)  



Did I hear correclty that in the featurette I heard the word "Queen"?? as in Alien Queen?



the aliens in this movie looks better than the aliens in the previous 4 alien films. the predator looks better than the other two. so this is going to be better than the other aliens and predator films put together      :-\  



to Dallas:: well, the obvious answer to your question is of course Aliens.  They simply have no mercey for anyone or anything.   To STAR WARS fans:: read what ALIENS said.  Your movie is like a damn circus.  Full of colors, lights, fancy looking creatures, and a lot of faggoty acrobatics.  It's a cute little story... for kids.

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