Predators Blu-Ray/DVD Discussion

Started by 369, Jul 01, 2010, 11:05:00 PM

Predators Blu-Ray/DVD Discussion (Read 122,148 times)



Thank you so much.  Is this your link?



Quote from: henry8 on Sep 06, 2012, 03:23:34 PM
There is a link for the video.

Thank you for posting the link. I think that this is my favourite motion comic, despite it having no dialogue. I haven't seen in Predators in a long time. I think I'm going to watch it again after this.



Does anyone know if there's a way to download this vid onto a computer?



You could use Firefox with "downloadhelper plugins" it should work.



Wondering if anyone could grab me a screenshot from the Blue Ray special features? I am looking for the title cards for each of the motion comics, and am missing three:

  • Noland pt 1
  • Hanzo
  • Noland pt 2
I attached four of the others for example.

If anyone is able to assist, I appreciate it - if there is no true title card in the motion comic, I'll use any screenshot with the character in it.

Quality does not matter, I will use them as thumbnails so event a Prnt Scrn would work. I appreciate the effort if anyone has a chance that owns the BD or DVD.

The Old One

The Old One

I wonder if the motion comic stories or one of them, was intended to part of the film, at one point.

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