What do people have against this game?

Started by predxeno, May 18, 2010, 11:08:12 PM

What do people have against this game? (Read 35,185 times)

lost dragon


Basically i have the following mag pages which i think would be rather splendid scanned and put up for everyone to enjoy:

Alien 3 C+VG review and advert (SNES) from C+VG

Predator:Concrete Jungle Mini interview with Exec.Producer David Stalker from Xbox:Extended Play.

The 2 Concept Art sketches from early PC (and planned PS1/Saturn) AVP (Edge)

Misc odds n sods inc Making Of Alien Res.PS1, AVP Jaguar (Edge), bits on Aliens:C.M, AVP PC etc.

Rebellion talking AVP PSP (Edge)

AVP (Jaguar) Vs Alien Trilogy (Insane Games Mag)

But i have NO scanner.

If anyone here can scan them and get them up here, please PM me, other wise they'll go in huge (and i mean HUGE) pile of stuff to send to Unseen64 and it'll be ages before you see them.

lost dragon


Message just in from Luca, Unseen64:

"Ciao Ross! I received your parcel today, that was huge :D
i put all the pages in a new box so they are in order and i will scan the Aliens + AVP + Predator Concrete Jungle + Timeshift between the next few days and the next weeks so you'll be able to share them :)
Thanks A LOT for these! They will be really useful"

So, The Stuff :-) should be up in next few weeks, all being well.


Thanks for keeping us posted!


I would love for a Predator game to exclusively take place in the 1930's/40's in New York. I love the idea of hunting Mob bosses as a predator in a pre war city setting. This game went way too sci-fi over the top for me.

Praetorian Guard

Looking back at this game. Predator CJ is better than some of the games out today.


Quote from: Praetorian Guard on May 13, 2017, 03:42:22 AM
Looking back at this game. Predator CJ is better than some of the games out today.
It provided me with the Predator experience I always wanted. I have good memories of this game.

lost dragon

Brief update.

Found the official Playstation 2 magazine review.

Mere 4/10.

Slammed it for lack of polish..switching vision modes offering no real benifit,  cloak was mere window dressing, camera was claustrophobic,  controls akward and A.I ridiculous.


The controls were awkward as f*ck... especially when it came to actually aiming your jumps. The number of times I'd completely miss the ledge I wanted to get to and fall all the way down to street level...

The accusation that the cloak wasn't helpful seems confusingly bullshitty though.


Quote from: lost dragon on May 26, 2018, 01:31:16 PM
Brief update.

Found the official Playstation 2 magazine review.

Mere 4/10.

Slammed it for lack of polish..switching vision modes offering no real benifit,  cloak was mere window dressing, camera was claustrophobic,  controls akward and A.I ridiculous.
Could we possibly get a scan or transcript of the review?


Was trying to get this to work on an emulator but had trouble with the controls. Can you actually look around on the PS2? Or you move around and the camera moves automatically?

The Old One

The Old One

Quote from: Wweyland on May 30, 2018, 11:34:53 AM
Was trying to get this to work on an emulator but had trouble with the controls. Can you actually look around on the PS2? Or you move around and the camera moves automatically?

The camera controls are garbage tbh, you can tweak them in the options though.

Controls are the game's main problem, it just unfortunately doesn't feel good despite my multiple playthroughs. I'm pretty sure the visions are broken on the emulator unfortunately- otherwise it works fine.


Maybe there would be more luck using the XBox emulator. Perhaps the graphics are a bit better as well.

The Old One

The Old One

Quote from: Wweyland on May 30, 2018, 03:31:23 PM
Maybe there would be more luck using the XBox emulator. Perhaps the graphics are a bit better as well.

The Xbox one is even worse unfortunately. I'd recommend playing it on a 360 tbh

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