Quote from: 08yeyinde on Mar 11, 2010, 12:59:19 PM
Knowing what you're up against still means challenge if that something's strong. The same goes for the individual knowing his own actions. Surprise can improve the fun factor in challenge, but it doesn't mean without it there's no challenge. Keyes' team meant challenge. So did many other humans in the movies.
multiple vision modes, extreme natural strength and endurance, plasma caster (with targeting), super sharp (vibro-blade?) spear, cloaking device, throwing disc, claws, wristblades, netgun, dart launcher and a few bullet proof armour parts all against single vision mode, and either firearm or nitrogen freeze gun. i think the preds are just too heavily armed. the pred in p1 used less sure, but still did alot of plasma casting.
i think the preds would be way more scary if they used stealth more for getting close and snatching individuals with only wristblades, or arrows/spears for if they really had to do it over long distance.