AvPGalaxy Forums

Films/TV => Alien Films => Topic started by: Ellen Ripley on Nov 03, 2007, 02:38:04 AM

Question: Who is the most Bad ass Colonial Marine
Option 1: Hicks votes: 5
Option 2: Hudson votes: 1
Option 3: Vasquez votes: 2
Option 4: Apone votes: 1
Option 5: Drake votes: 1
Title: Bad Ass Marine
Post by: Ellen Ripley on Nov 03, 2007, 02:38:04 AM
I love Hudsons phrases so he the most BAD ASS!
Title: Re: Bad Ass Marine
Post by: Axlotl on Nov 03, 2007, 03:30:35 AM
where's Wierzbowski?

haha JK.
Title: Re: Bad Ass Marine
Post by: Private Hudson on Nov 03, 2007, 03:46:40 AM
Althiugh my Profile name says Hudson, the most kick ass and my favourite marine would be Hicks.
Title: Re: Bad Ass Marine
Post by: REYALS on Nov 03, 2007, 04:42:34 PM
 Vasquez baby, she is almost as bad as Ripley. 8)
Title: Re: Bad Ass Marine
Post by: AvPvTerminator on Nov 05, 2007, 01:30:32 AM
ferro is my fav marine, shes so cool!!!  8)  like shes just as bad-ass as anyother marine!!!

(like, fer in stance when she turns around in dropship and sees the alien shes goes striaght for her sidearm, instead of screaming which i bet just about every other normal person would do) 8) 8)
Title: Re: Bad Ass Marine
Post by: Porkus Maximus on Nov 05, 2007, 02:17:20 AM
Hicks was fairly cool and collected but he wasn't really a badass and let's be honest Hudson was all talk.  Soon as the shit hit the fan he lost it, he went berzerk towards the end and almost got Hicks killed.  Vasquez was hardcore though, never showed signs of panicking and kept her shit together to the very end.
Title: Re: Bad Ass Marine
Post by: EEV2650 on Nov 05, 2007, 05:46:38 AM
Quote from: AvPvTerminator on Nov 05, 2007, 01:30:32 AM
ferro is my fav marine, shes so cool!!!  8)  like shes just as bad-ass as anyother marine!!!

(like, fer in stance when she turns around in dropship and sees the alien shes goes striaght for her sidearm, instead of screaming which i bet just about every other normal person would do) 8) 8)

That's true that she kept her cool. All the other marines would just be screaming and running around all in a panic (except for Apone). I still have to say the most bad-ass marine would be hudson or vasquez.
Title: Re: Bad Ass Marine
Post by: avpmad! on Nov 05, 2007, 06:03:35 PM
mine is hudson and hicks they are the stars of aliens  :P
Title: Re: Bad Ass Marine
Post by: Russian_Predator on Nov 05, 2007, 07:26:42 PM
Hicks, Hudson, Vasquez, Drake and even Gorman in the end. They were best. Other marines killed by friendly fire (Frost and Crowe) and quickly killed (Wierzbowski, Spunkmeyer, Ferro) or taken (Dietrich and Apone) by Aliens...  :-\
Title: Re: Bad Ass Marine
Post by: Huol on Nov 05, 2007, 07:31:42 PM
Title: Re: Bad Ass Marine
Post by: Horhey on Nov 05, 2007, 08:01:50 PM
Hicks was the most bad ass. "I like to keep this handy, for close encounters." "Eat this!" "Looks like love at first sight to me."

Hudson had the best line though...

Ripley: How long after we're declared overdue can we expect a rescue?

Hicks: [pause] Seventeen days.

Hudson: *Seventeen days?* Hey man, I don't wanna rain on your parade, but we're not gonna last seventeen hours! Those things are gonna come in here just like they did before. And they're gonna come in here...

Ripley: Hudson!

Hudson: ...and they're gonna come in here AND THEY'RE GONNA KILL US!

Ripley: HUDSON! This little girl survived longer than that with no weapons and no training.
[to Newt]

Ripley: Right?

[Newt apes a salute]

Hudson: Why don't you put her in charge?

:D Never gets old.
Title: Re: Bad Ass Marine
Post by: PRAETORIAN MONSTER on Nov 05, 2007, 08:18:41 PM
What do you mean THEY cut the power, how could they cut the power man, they're animals!

HUH!  With those things runnin around?  You c'n count me out.

Those things are gonna come in here, just like they did before, and they're gonna come in here, and they're gonna come in here, and THEY'RE GONNA GET US!

bill paxton(through his performance) created one of the most iconic characters in movie history, in my opinion. 

although is best performance overall was A Simple Plan.  amazing.