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General => Fan Section => Fan Fiction => Topic started by: brad873 on Oct 21, 2007, 05:28:32 PM

Title: Aliens: return
Post by: brad873 on Oct 21, 2007, 05:28:32 PM
i thought i would have a go at writing my own stoy, in whitch the aliens were recreateated in there pure form for the bio wepons devision. the story will be about how the army creates them as soldiers, and how some have differant hosts to let them specilized in differant forms of combat. but they are very smart, and play to a plan the queen created and "uploaded" into them. eventualy they become self awere and go back to there old instincts. they start to take over the planet they are based on, and eventualy i want to fit in a way for them to servive without human hosts, i was thinking on them facehugging there own kind for servivale. what do you think. hears the intro


Man has known of the great terror from space. Always known of alien terror known only as xenomorphs. They had been recreated by man to serve in war, to be the most dangerous weapon to destroy the enemy without creating stress to the soldiers, they were the soldiers. They got the original template for the xenon warriors from a corps drifting through space, the creature that destroyed most  of the crew of the Nostromo. It was tracked down 500 years after it was sent into the void of space by LT. Ripley. It was found drifting towards the planetoid Pluto. It had been lucky enough to fall through space without falling into another planet. Its DNA was extracted from its brain, the only part of it without any powerful acids. It was a failure, the clones produced were healthy, but cloning them cost to much, and all the wars were costing the earth dear money, to much to be wasted. So man had an idea. They created an ordinary xenomorph, but altered it when it was young. They took the royal jelly from a hive of bees, and added xenon DNA, they fed it to the clone. After a week of feeding the clone moulted. It was larger, it had a new set of arms, and its cranial plate was larger and flatter. It moulted a second time, increasing in size and power. After another week it started to attach itself to the ceiling of its chamber, and grew a large sac from its groin area. This sac grew and grew and eventually a tube appeared at the end of it. Large pods started to be produced from the tube. No one could work out what they did, the human/xenon queen that was created 100 years before was successful, all the eggs hatched and impregnated the hosts supplied. That was never tried again as the xenos produced were not pure, and due to there human DNA, there skin was not as tough as a pure xenos. But these eggs were wrong, they never hatched or shown signs of life. The project was set to be closed. The queen was to be terminated immediately. 3 men were sent into the queens chamber to kill her. They took 10 shots at her, but she did not even flinch. She didn't move at all, she was already dead. They took a few more shots, she didn't move. They got closer to her, still nothing, they got closer again, yet again, nothing. They got close to her to inspect her, there was no physical damage on her at all, they checked the egg sac. As soon as they did, they realized something was wrong, it was still working, the veins in it were pulsing with fluids, and the eggs were moving towards the tube inside it. The end of the tube opened again, and eggs started to come out once again. The men turned round to leave, only to see the queens face looking at them, almost grinning with delight, she grabbed the 3 men, 2 of them with her main arms, and 1 of them with her second set. She layed 3 eggs in a neat little line and hit the men against her chest. All 3 of the men were knocked out cold, but not killed. She threw them at her eggs, witch opened up slowly reviling a crab like creature inside. They slowly emerged from the leathery eggs, and odd tube dangling from a hole on there bellies, and attached themselves to the men's faces. 5 scientists watched the whole incident from behind glass, and immediately called the head of the program to say she was once again active, and the first eggs were only test eggs, and nothing like that would happen again. The project was now considered a success, and was reopened.
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: Colton White on Oct 21, 2007, 06:06:48 PM
 :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: brad873 on Oct 21, 2007, 07:08:40 PM
^ what, is it that bad????
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: Colton White on Oct 21, 2007, 08:38:30 PM
NOOOOOo! That is the best yet
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: brad873 on Oct 22, 2007, 12:44:37 PM
im gonna bring royal guards into it, and a host of hybrids (not to many, just refranses to differant wars) and im also thinking of bringing in a newborn adult, a more alien version, but that is very unlikely. anyway, the aliens are used for wipeout missions to destroy an enamy there and ten, but humans are only used for sabotage missions and other more delocate things. the main idea is that the queen has a hight level of inteligens, and is an actuale leader of the aliens, not just an egg layer, and she devises a way to let her race servive. doont worry, she wont end up talking like in all the crappy sci fi movies, and the xenos are gonna be just as deadly, but smarter as well. the queen wants to keep her race alive, and thats tht, its an early idea so it may come out differantly.
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: brad873 on Oct 22, 2007, 05:15:45 PM
chapter 1 almost ready to post
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: brad873 on Oct 22, 2007, 06:04:28 PM
ok, hear it is, tell me what you think.

Chapter 1
10 years into doom

For 10 years now, man has been sitting at the top of the galactic pecking order. The xeno warrior project had worked. All of mans enemies were destroyed in a matter of weeks, and the xenos were keeping all rebellions down. The xenotech institute was the driving force behind earths economy and was supplied by unlimited federal funding. They had created warriors for all environments. The best thing about xeno warriors was that they were able to take the best traits from there hosts to live. Once a face hugger was attached to any large animal, it would sive trough its DNA and take what it needed for itself. If there was a race of hostile units that lived below sea, then all that needed to be done was attach a face hugger to a large fish or dolphin, and away you go. The xenomorph was the ultimate life form. John Thomas worked at xenotech, in the royal care division, set up just to keep the queen happy, but he never like the idea of her being on earth, or even being at all.
      "sire, I have some news" john said as he approached Mr. Ashling, the head of the whole royal care division.
"what is it Thomas " said Ashling "not another bloody rant on how this is all a bad idea"
"no sir" said john in a rather shaky voice
"good, I tired of hearing all your crap on how all were not meant to toy with nature"
"no sir, this is more important, there is a problem with the queen" John said in an urgent voice
"what, what do you mean, what's wrong with her?" Ashling shouted "is she dieing?"
"no sir, but I think you should come and see"
Both John and Ashling ran up the white corridors to a large, reinforced bulk head. They both identified themselves and the bulk head opened. The ran inside towards a large glass screen. As the looked through it they saw a most peculiar scene. 3 xenomorphs were crouched under the queens head, and were what seemed to be drinking the queens drool. Mr. Ashling turned to face John. "what's going on hear Thomas, what are they doing?"
"were not sure sir, all we know is that those 3 xenomorphs are the are first 3 ever born, per say"
"well, I'm smart enough to know that must have some relevance to what they are doing" Ashling said, in a sarcastic tone, "but is there anything else going on, I don't think you would have been so urgent unless there was something else"
"well sir, there is something else" John murmured, "the queens brain patterns have been acting odd"
"what do you mean odd?" asked Ashling with an suspicious look in his eye
"well, they have become more erratic, pulsing with heat. She is showing all the signs that she is, well, thinking"
"what!, thinking? But she's just a bug, she cant think, show me"
They walked over to a large control panel set in the side of a far wall, on it was a screen which showed a thermal picture of the queen. It was a dark blue colour, with a lighter blue on the cranium, where her brain was. Ashling looked at John with a very angry look on his face.
"how dumb do you think I am? Do you really believe I would fall for that, think she was a threat and terminate her, is that it?
"no sir, I saw it, four times, her brain was pulsing with heat, and the brains of the drones around her were doing the same" john was desperate for Ashling to believe him.
"well then, can any of you friend vouch for you?" Ashling looked round at all the other scientists, who all shook there heads. Ashling looked at John with one eyebrow raised.
"can you explain that then Thomas?"
"well, no sir, I was alone when it happened" he said in a quiet voice.
"well then, Thomas" he raised his voice "stop coming in hear alone" Ashling turned round and left with the rest of the scientists for lunch. John leaned o the railing by the observation window and looked into the xenomorph hive. The walls were a dark green colour, made of a secretive resin the xenos produced from the mouths and the tubes on there backs. He watched as the 3 original or "alpha" xenos as they drank the queens drool. Then he looked at the thermal screen, the queens brain was once again pulsing with heat. He looked at the queen, who had raised her head to look at him. He was astonished, she had never looked at him before, the glass was only one way, so there was no way she could see him. He looked closer at her, and at that moment, she opened her massive, tooth filled jaws and roared at him, her inner jaws extending and retracting over and over. He fell backwards in fear. He got back to his feet and looked at her again, she had retracted her head into her crown and the rest of the xenomorphs continued striping down the resin supports holding the queen up, and replacing them with fresh resins
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: avpmad! on Oct 22, 2007, 09:21:55 PM
wow! :o
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: brad873 on Oct 23, 2007, 12:29:13 PM
also, im looking for any ideas you may have, story lines, hybrids ect. anyone got any ideas???
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: Colton White on Oct 23, 2007, 08:45:15 PM
A Space Jockey Hybrid,Shark Hybrid.........................Bigfoot?
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: brad873 on Oct 27, 2007, 02:13:34 PM
ehh, maybe. the ruth is, my minds gone blank, im having trouble thinking things up. i do have an idea, but everything would kick off ib=n chapter 2, and i want suspens.
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: predude on Oct 27, 2007, 02:27:14 PM
That was awsome very good read.
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: brad873 on Oct 27, 2007, 09:46:02 PM
as soon as i can think up more, ill write some more. i seem to get all my good ideas after halloween, so if you dont mind the wait?????
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: brad873 on Oct 28, 2007, 04:33:04 PM
if you all think its good, should i continue with it???
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: aliendude on Oct 29, 2007, 08:58:49 PM
you should certainly continue with it
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: Colton White on Oct 29, 2007, 08:59:48 PM
Finish it before FOX reads it
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: brad873 on Oct 29, 2007, 11:11:20 PM
the next chapter is ready. pred fans may not like a little bit i have in hear though. i thought id make Johns problems worse by giving him trobles in this home life too. tell me what ou all think

Chapter 2

John awoke with a start. He had another one of his dreams. In it, the xenomorph queen breaks loose with her army of drones. Then it changes into his home. He wakes up in a cold sweat, only to notice his wife gone. He goes to check his son, to see he's gone too. He creeps into the kitchen only to see them attached to the wall with a dark green resin skilfully moulded into artistic patterns. He would run up to them and claw at the resins and try to free them, but it was no use. Then his son wakes up coughing and choking. Then blood appears on his dinosaur pyjamas and his ribs burst out to reveal a small, tan coloured  chestburster squealing and snapping at the air. John steps back with tears in his eyes as his son looks at him with blood in his mouth. John runs into the living room and hits into something hard. He falls to the ground and looks up into the transparent teeth of the xenomorph queen. He tries to get back to his feet, but and drone pushes him forward close to her. Suddenly there is a loud hiss and she opens her mouth. He stares at the inner jaw as it opens and closes to get its muscles ready for the strike. Then, without warning her inner jaw shoots out, and John would wake up with a shout.
"what is it honey?"
He had woken his wife up, and she was looking at him with a worried look on her face.
"did you have that nightmare again?"  she got on her knees behind him and started to massage his shoulders .
"oh Jane, don't go there, this time you and Alex were in it."
"look, that thing at work is obviously affecting you, call in tomorrow and say your ill" she said, in a concerned voice.
"I cant do that, I have a job to do"
"your taking a day off, and you, me and Alex are going out, he's been going on about that new zoo for weeks" she said, in a calm, yet stern voice.
"I don't know, there's been a lot going on now, and I need to be there"
"what's more important John, work, or your family. We haven't gone anywhere together for 3 months, we need you as well"
John have a long sigh and put his head in his hands.
"ok, ill phone them up and tell them I cant come in today"
"good, now get dressed, I have to go and get a picnic ready for later"
Jane got off the bed and put on her dressing gown. She put on her slippers and went into the kitchen.
As they pulled up in the zoo car park, Johns pager started bleeping. As he reached to pick it up, Jane gave him a stern look. He looked into her eyes, and then at Alex, who was starting to get exited at the sight of the zoo. He gave a large smile and turned the pager off. Jane gave him a kiss on the cheek. They all got out of the car, paid the charge to get into the zoo, and started to explore. First they went to the reptile house. As they enters the red lights cast eerie shadows on the walls. They looked into a large tank. In it, were a small group of odd looking creatures. The had long dreadlock like hairs on the side of there heads, and mandibles on there mouths. Then they had and long lizard like body. They listened to the commentary on them.
"these odd creatures are the early descendants of the now extended race known as the predators, a mighty race of creatures that used there amazing technology to hunt human prey. This resulted in a short war, in which the new xeno project was used to wipe them out once and for all"

They spent the whole day looking at a rang of strange and wonderful creatures. As they set down at a picnic table to eat, Johns mobile phone started to ring. He picked it up and looked at the name on the screen. It read 'work'. he hesitated, then he answered.
"John, were the bloody hell are you", it was Ashling
"I'm at the zoo with my family, what is it" growled John
"it's the 3 xenomorphs that were drinking the queens drool, something's happened"
"what do you mean?"
"they've changed John, you have to come and see them, its amazing"
"sir, I cant come, I'm ill remember?"
"oh, really. Well, I thought you just said you were at the zoo?"
John hit his hand to his head
"ohh, I'll be right in, just give me 5 minutes and I'll be there"
John turned off the phone and rushed over to Jane.
"sorry honey, I need to go"
Jane looked infuriated.
"what!, you cant go, you promised us, think of your son"
"I know, but this is very important, I cant miss it"
He pulled on his coat and kissed her on the cheek and ran to the car. He started it up and speeded away.

"were the bloody hell have you been Thomas, you have to see this"
"I'm sorry Mr. Ashling, traffic was nuts"
"well, what's important is that your hear now"
They both ran to the bulk head to the hive observation room.
As they got in all the scientist were gathered around the glass screen.
"just look that that, its amazing" said Ashling with awe.
It was the most amazing sight John had ever seen. Three xenomorphs were crawling on the queens back and egg sac, continuously cleaning it. They were magnificent. They resembled the queen. They had the body of a normal drone, but they were taller, and they had a large crown like cranium, a third of the size of there body.
"what are they" asked john
Ashling looked at him with a smile
"they are the royal guards, they queens most powerful warriors. As you probably have guessed, those are the three original xenos, the ones that drank her drool."
John looked at them, amazed at how busy they were.
"as you can see John, they all have slight differences"
Ashling pointed them out one by one. He first pointed at the largest one, its crown was studded with large spikes along the centre.
"that appears the be the leader one of the three, we named it thorn, due to the spines on its head"
He then pointed to a smaller one, which was studded with what looked like black gems.
"that one seems to be in charge of the eggs, it destroys the weakest eggs and places the best ones in the corner for the drones to move to the hosts, we decided to name it slash, due to what it does to the weak eggs"
He then pointed to the last one. It looked like a small queen. Its crown was smoother than the rest, but it had six tubes on its back instead of four.
"that one is Picasso. That is the one that seems to be in charge of the hive creation. We have observed it spraying resins on the wall with its tubes, then instructing the drones on how to mould them into the patterns of the queens body. It seems it makes the hive walls to hide the queen from and potential predators"
They watched them for another hour as the royal guards went about there activities, cleaning the queens and doing there selected jobs. Then Mr. Ashling declared it was time to go home and get back to there families.
That was the last thing John wanted to do, Jane was bound to be in a bad mood, and he had taken the car, so she would have had to walk 5 miles with Alex to get home. Ever since this project started his family was suffering. He had to find a way to fit family and work in together. Ah well, tonight he would have to go home and bite the bullet, he just hoped she had stayed away from the vodka cabinet this time.
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: aliendude on Oct 29, 2007, 11:21:49 PM
Dude,you should make a book :o.And also please tell me,did all the predators die :'(
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: Colton White on Oct 29, 2007, 11:27:06 PM
WTF? The first part is some of the scariest shit I've ever read. And this "your taking a day off, and you, me and Alex are going out, he's been going on about that new zoo for weeks" she said, in a calm, yet stern voice.
"I don't know, there's been a lot going on now, and I need to be there"

Do I see alittle foreshadowing there?May be for some of the hybrids?
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: brad873 on Oct 30, 2007, 09:02:30 AM
im sure there will be a few preds left somewere in space, but there homeworld was destroyed. i wasthinking about making the zoo a hevily guarded base when the aliens are free, but they get in, kill all the humans and start to hybrid, and thanks to the pred lizards, i can have a predalien or two, just for fun. ;D. any hybrids i make will only have small changes. say if a giant crab like creatur became a host, the alien may just get a pinser on the end of its tail.

but what do you all think of the idea of thorn, slash and picasso. i think they are an good idea. they are the queen elite and they keep her and the alien race alive. i was thinking that if the queen died, thorn would  able to take her place, but i may not do that
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: Colton White on Oct 30, 2007, 07:07:20 PM
Quote from: brad873 on Oct 30, 2007, 09:02:30 AM
im sure there will be a few preds left somewere in space, but there homeworld was destroyed. i wasthinking about making the zoo a hevily guarded base when the aliens are free, but they get in, kill all the humans and start to hybrid, and thanks to the pred lizards, i can have a predalien or two, just for fun. ;D. any hybrids i make will only have small changes. say if a giant crab like creatur became a host, the alien may just get a pinser on the end of its tail.

but what do you all think of the idea of thorn, slash and picasso. i think they are an good idea. they are the queen elite and they keep her and the alien race alive. i was thinking that if the queen died, thorn would  able to take her place, but i may not do that

if you get a huge crab hybrid, Make it with pincers and a shell.I do like the Royal Guard Ideas.And I could give you some ideas for some hybrids. If you need any suggestions, just PM me
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: Kriszilla on Nov 03, 2007, 01:04:25 AM
Meh, it's a little 'out there' too much unrealistic stuff going on.
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: Colton White on Nov 04, 2007, 07:53:58 PM
Quote from: Kriszilla on Nov 03, 2007, 01:04:25 AM
Meh, it's a little 'out there' too much unrealistic stuff going on.
There were Royal Guards in the Originial AVP arcade game.
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: brad873 on Nov 07, 2007, 09:09:20 PM
Quote from: Kriszilla on Nov 03, 2007, 01:04:25 AM
Meh, it's a little 'out there' too much unrealistic stuff going on.

but there "alien", they dont have to be realistic by human standerds
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: brad873 on Nov 18, 2007, 04:25:25 PM
ive started chapter 3. alterd aliens will be sold to the public as pets and workers, alowing them to spread around the world. this may sound dumb at the moment, but i think i can pull it off. it gives the classic "stupid government" feel, it stayes true to the films ;)
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: brad873 on Nov 18, 2007, 05:08:50 PM
not the best chapter yet, but at least we get a death ;D

Chapter 3

John sat in the chair with his head in his hands. Jane had left with Alex to stay with her mother in Cardiff until she calmed down, so he wasn't expecting to see them for a few weeks. He looked out of his window into the dark, metallic looking London, to see the Xenotech building, a large, mushroom shaped structure, reaching into the clouds. He leaned back to relax, when the phone rang. He pressed the button on the table, and Mr. Ashlings face appeared on the holoscreen.
"John, sorry to call you this late, but we need you hear now"
John gave a short, tired sigh "what's happened now?"
"something revolutionary, we have a new plan"
John raised his head to look at the screen "what do you mean, not the xenomorphs?"
"yes, a new idea was......., I cant talk hear, you need to come in"
John nodded his head and stood up.
"John, this is goi..."
John turned off the holoscreen a picked up his car keys.
John watched the xenomorph drones move the eggs up to the latest victims. The queen was asleep and the guard were curled up underneath her like cats, fast asleep.
"so your telling me that you want to sell these monsters to the public"
Ashling was remotely controlling the robotic xeno that collected the dead bodies that the xenos left. It picked them up and took them over to the incinerator hatch, which opened to reveal the shaft that led down the furnace.
"yes, we already have altered xenomorphs that are set to help humans"
"how can you sell these things to people, not only are they too creepy for people to buy, but everyone knows what they do, what they have done in the past"
"I know that, we want to sell these to teens, they always want something cool"
"what about the acid blood?"
"well, we could not get rid of it, so we increased the xenomorphs armour to a near impenetrable strength"
John was shocked, if anything went wrong, they would be indestructible.
"you are a fool ashling, you've doomed the earth"
Ashling was famed for his short temper, and those first five words had pushed him over the edge. He made a swing as John, but his arms were still in the robotic xenos control gloves. The robots arms swung around and hit a nearby drone, smashing its head open. The hive suddenly came alive, and thorn, slash and Picasso woke up. They ran at the robot, hitting it into the wall. Thorn picked it up by the tail and swung it around. The robot, now motionless as Ashling had removed himself from the controls, was thrown into the glass screen. The scientists had underestimated the royal guards power, and the robot, and the glass, shattered. For a moment, everyone stood still. The scientists, because of what had happened, and the xenomorphs, because they had just found an escape. John, Ashling and the rest of the scientists ran to the bulk head, and the royal guard jumped through the hole. As everyone ran out of the closing bulk head, slash grabbed one of the scientist. He fell to the ground and was pulled into the hive. As the bulk head was about to close, a face hugger and two newly born chestburster sped out, and split up into different directions.
"what the hell have you done John, Adam only started yesterday, and he's already been killed, what do I tell his family, and if that wasn't bad enough, we have three potentially lethal animals loose in the building"
John started to shout.
"how dare you blame me, you're the one who cant keep his anger under control, you're the one who wants to sell them to the public, do you see what I am on about"
Ashling started to calm down
"well, even if I wanted to stop it, they have already been shipped around the world, and we are going to put them on sale tomorrow"
John was to angry to talk about it anymore, so he changed the subject.
"what are we going to do about the escapees?"
One of the chattering scientists was quick to answer this
"well, the newborns cant grown to full size without food, so that may buy use some time, and the face hugger will need to find a host, so I have already sent out a message to inform everyone to stay in large groups"
Ashling gave a small smile
"good work Grant, see if the cameras in the hive are still working, we can still keep an eye on the occupants"
"will do sir"
Ashling turned to John
"you are lucky this is under control, or I would fire your ass on the spot."
"thank you sir, it wont happen again"
Ashling looked into Johns eyes
"don't think you have gotten away with this, not only will you not be paid this month, but you will have to sacrifice 30% of your wage to pay for the robot that was destroyed"
John clenched his fists in anger
"yes sir, I understand"
Ashling turned around and set off down the hall
"and John, get home and have a sleep before I decide to send one of them after you"
John glared at Ashling, then set off down the other hall, keeping and eye out for any sine of the escapees
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: Colton White on Nov 18, 2007, 08:55:19 PM
Ashling, you son of a bitch!
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: brad873 on Nov 18, 2007, 09:30:37 PM
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: brad873 on Nov 27, 2007, 06:47:06 PM
ive started chapter 4. the escaped aliens got out of the xenotech building, but they are small as they did not have enough food to grow full size. its obviouse the scientists thought they needed food to make any sort of moult, but these ones have improvised to make life esier
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: brad873 on Nov 27, 2007, 06:49:35 PM
ohh, and im bringing the predalien into it now
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: brad873 on Dec 08, 2007, 11:10:44 AM
well, s 4 and 5 are finished, ill post them up in a minit

oh, and dontkill me for  a flying alien, ill do it as well as i can
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: brad873 on Dec 08, 2007, 11:13:50 AM
kind of a short chapter, but the next one is long

Chapter 4
A predator is born

Rain pounded the London streets. Flashes of lightning cast eerie shadows on the ground and up the walls of the houses. Max was running as fast as he could up an ally. He had seen something on the street, an odd, black dog, except it had no fur, and its tail was a large, suspended snake that swayed from side to side. It had seen him, and ran at him. Max ran down the ally and turned left, looking for a safe haven. The only place in his view was the zoo. It was closed for the night, so he climbed up the fence. He cut his hands on the barbed wire, and fell to the floor on the other side of the fence. He looked round, to see if the creature was still after him. It was sitting in the ally's exit, watching him. Suddenly, a second, larger creature appeared at its side, clutching a half eaten chicken in its hands, obviously someone had thrown its out, and the creature must have rooted around in the trash for it. The rain started to die down, and Max got a clear look at his attackers. He saw that they were two xenomorphs, he had seen these ruthless beasts on the TV, but he thought they were under control. There black body's dripping wet after the rain, and water collecting in the ridges in there heads, and he gasped with horror. Then, a small camera rose up behind him, and studied his face. Then alarms started to go off, and the two xenos ran at him again. Max was pumped pull of adrenalin, and ran into the reptile house. He ran to the other end, but the door was locked. He tried to ram it, but it didn't budge. The turned round to see one the xenomorphs less than 5 feet away from him. He stood still, like a statue painted in black. Then, its tail slowly emerged from behind it, the needle like tip pointing at Max's head. It slowly moved backwards, ready to strike like a large, spiny serpent. But before it could strike him, Max tackled the xenomorph into the glass of one of the reptile exhibits. Glass flew in all directions, and the 3 foot long occupant of the tank emerged. It was a large, brown lizard, with odd mandibles on its mouth, that looked very out of place, and its long black 'dreadlock's' trailed along the floor by its head. It ran down to the entrance of the reptile house, and came face to face with the second xenomorph. It was on all fours, low to the ground. It was about 4 and a half foot long, not as big as the other, and seemed to have not grown to full size. It looked straight into the lizards' eyes, but the lizard could not do the same, there were no eyes to look back into. They were frozen like this for what seemed millennia, and then there was a scream. Max ran out of the door, blood running down his cheeks. The large xenomorph appeared in the doorway, raised to full height. It stood and 8 foot tall, and glistened like it was made of ice. It suddenly roared, and the smaller of the two ran after Max. The lizard watched as it caught up to him, and brought him to the ground. It raised a clawed hand, and plunged it straight into Max's head. Then it grabbed Maxes leg and dragged his corps back to the larger beast. Then, the larger one looked down at the lizard. Suddenly, the lizard made a dash to the bushes, but the monster was too fast. Its heavy foot came down on the lizards' tail, and it was scooped up into the creatures' large arms. It held the helpless reptile up to its face and took a closer look. Then, it raised its head and let out another terrible roar, which was easily heard over the still buzzing alarms, no guards had appeared, they had all fled after witnessing Max's horrific death over the camera, the had ran to the police. The lizard struggled to break free, but to no avail. Then, the beast threw the lizard at the floor. It hit with a thud, but suffered no real injuries. It got to its feet, but just looked blankly at the beast that had such and easy shot at killing it. Then it realized why. A large spider like creature was standing between the large beasts legs, its tail curled under its body. The lizard just froze, it was petrified. Then, the spider leaped at the lizard; hitting it with such force it knocked the lizard out cold.

The lizard opened its eyes. Its head was throbbing with pain. It was lying on its side. It moved its eyes around to see what was happening. The two black creatures we still there, bent over something. It was the humans' body. The beasts were spitting acids over him and sucking up the goo with there odd second mouths. Then there was a terrible squeal. The lizard curled up in pain, and the laud squeal came up through its mouth. It flailed around wildly, drawing the attention of the two beasts. They moved over to it, but did nothing else. Then there was silence, and the pain stopped. The lizard got to its feet and looked at the two black beasts bent over it. It turned to run, but then it fell to the ground again. It opened its eyes, only to see florescent green blood running down its belly. It gave a surprisingly deep roar that made the two creatures step back in surprise, then felt the short, yet awful pain as a one and a half food snake ripped out of it. Before it died, the lizard got one look at the newborn beast. It was covered in glowing, green blood, and boor a surprising resemblance to the lizard. It had a set of mandibles on either side of its mouth, a bit different to the lizards, almost as if the were put on as an after thought, and under its thin skin there were long black lines, that looked suspiciously like the lizards dreadlocks. Its mandibles opened and closed, the claws at the end tapping together, making a metallic clicking noise, which the two big beasts responded to with heave breathing sounds, the lizard felt a sudden rush of pheromones that the creatures were giving off. The last things the lizard saw before its death, was the snake turn around and look at it, then, slowly open its mouth and lunge forward, into the lizard belly.

Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: brad873 on Dec 08, 2007, 11:15:38 AM
this is my longest chapter. a death or two. anyway, i added a little comedy, not much. im not sure if Gladys should be a main character, what do you think

Chapter 5
A bigger cage

John was angry. The xeno pet project was a great success, and now everyone had a personal slave that did all you wanted. It would protect you, entertain you, even shop for you if you gave it pictures of what you wanted, and if that wasn't enough, it could sit on your feet and dribble on your lap. The great killing machine, turned into a house cat. Even though he hated them, John felt sorry for them. They were the most feared beast for millennia, and now they were stripped of the title. But what got to John the most was that, even after the 'unexplained' death of that Max boy, which was obviously due to a xenomorph, no one did anything, it was blamed on an escaped Predacala, which was found dead, half eaten, near the boys body. So now there were three off these things loose, one of them an un-researched, and probably very powerful, hybrid, it had very similar DNA to the predator race, which was almost unstoppable. No one seemed to be looking for these beasts. After five days since the boys' death, they could be hundreds of miles away. And to top things off, the queen had gone nuts. She detached herself from the hive ceiling and her egg sac, and was ramming the bulkhead. She had destroyed all security systems in the hive, and the bulkhead was reinforced with a two foot thick steel plate. But there was good news out of all of this. During one of her escape attempts, the queen had shown the heat blooms in her brain that she had taunted John with for so long, and now everyone knew she could think. Even more xenomorph clones had been created now, updated to show hostility to the queen. If she got out, they were to kill her. Suddenly, the siren went. John rushed up to the queens' chamber from the canteen, to see all the scientists and Mr. Ashling barking orders.
"Get that plasma shield up now, or I swear, ill throw you in with her" he raged at a young scientist, who was fiddling with the wires in the wall. It was Grant, dripping with sweat and was muttering curses at Ashling under his breath. John spun round to see everything that was happening, and then walked up to Ashling.
"What's happened?" he asked
Ashling looked at him with angry, bloodshot eyes.
"The queens' getting through, she just smashed one of her drones into the bulkhead, now its melting, and we don't have long until she gets to us"
John pretended to look surprised, but underneath, he had been expecting it, Ashling always treated the xenos as dumb lizards, and now they were at his door.
"How long till it's a risk?"
"About 3 minuets, the steel can only hold it that long"
John thought for a few seconds, then had an idea
"Can you let her out?"
Ashling looked John as though he was infected with some deadly virus.
"What do you mean let her out, she would kill us all"
"I know that, but if you sealed all the possible exits in the incinerator, you could open the hatch in the hive and make her go down, and then fry her"
John gave a small chuckle at the though of killing the queen, but ashling was not so ambitious.
"that animal in there cost this company half the countries wealth, we only just made it back, and you want us to throw it all away like a bad cheese? If you think that, then you really are nuts"
But john wasn't listening. He was looking straight at the bulkhead, along with all the other scientists. Ashling looked around to see what all the fuss was about, to see a green liquid eating through the steel, smoking as it did so. Then, part of the now gooey metal split apart, and everything went silent. Through the hole, everyone saw were the hive had entered the old observation room, and the body of the scientist, Adam, was slumped on a ruined control station, a large hole in his chest. Then, a large set of transparent teeth appeared in the hole, and everyone ran. As they got to the end of the hallway, john turned round to see Grant still at the power box, fumbling with the wires. John shouted for him to come with them, but he didn't respond. Suddenly, a blue, transparent light spread over the bulkhead, an impenetrable force field. Grant stood up, and folded his arms in triumph. Then, the most unexpected thing happened. As he turned to run towards the others, another green hole appeared in the power box. The force field flickered as the acid started to burn its power source. Grant did not notice this as he walked away, and John looked in terror as a large, foot long needle like spike emerge from the hole. It ripped the wires in half, the sound the electricity currents breaking carried across the hall. Grant turned around, but it was too late. The spike and the tail were raised high in the air, and then it plunged itself into Grants stomach. He was raised off his feet, and moved towards the bulkhead. The force field was gone; no power was getting to it. The tail, and Grant, turned around to face john. Now, the others had all returned, and were standing next to john. Grant raised his head, blood gushing from his mouth, and uttered one, choking word, "run".
At that moment, his head burst open, and blood splattered over the walls. A large mouth, extended from an even larger mouth, was resting above Grants neck, and then slowly retracted.
The queens' head was pocking through the hole in the door, her teeth covered in blood. She looked at John and the others before pulling her head back in. john looked blankly at the hole, waiting for the obvious crash of the queen bursting through. But it never came. A full minuet went by, and nothing unexpected happened. The tail was still pocking out of the smaller hole, Grants decapitated body on the end. Then, it retracted with such force; the wall behind it was dented as Grants corps slammed into it. John and the others jumped at this, but they were compelled to stay, to see what was going to happen next. Suddenly, something flew through the hole, a large, brownish black mass. The queen must have thrown it as it moved with such speed the air could be heard ripping. It was a drone. It tried to land on its feet, but instead it came crashing down on its side. A tube on its back snapped off, and it squealed in pain. It raised itself from the ground, blood dripping from its wound and melting the floor beneath it. It looked at the group, its domed head and sliver teeth glistening in the artificial light. It raised itself to full height, and then ran back to the bulkhead. As it got closer, it fell onto all fours and jumped at the metal plate. But instead of going through the hole, it rebounded and launched itself at full speed down another hallway. John and the group ran back though the door away from the hive.

They ran as fast as they could down the lobby, and to the front desk. Gladys, the receptionist, was sitting with her legs crossed, painting her nails.
She was a heavily built woman, but not fat, with large arms and long brown hair. Her hazel eyes fixed on her nails; she seemed totally unaware of the sirens and emergency light all around her, let alone the hundreds of people running out of the doors. Ashling dived over the desk, and Gladys fell onto the marble floor.
"What the hell do you think you're doing, you bloody batty old mare"
She had a strong Welsh accent, and had turned red with rage after being knocked down like that. John walked up to her.
"Why haven't you left the building? Its dangerous to stay hear"
"Because, if I go you'll pay me less for not workin my full shift, and I ai'nt got the time to be arguing over it, so, it thought id stay hear had shut you all up. He brushed her long brown hair out of her eyes and sat down again.
"And what's Ashman doin down there" she looked down at Ashling, who was opening a hidden safe that was under the desk "this aint a fun club love, I aint no fancy tart for £5 an hour"
Ashling gave her a cold look.
"It's Ashling, and if you must know, in starting up the containment program, now get out"
He stood up and grabbed her by the arm and beckoned the others out of the building. Gladys tried to free herself, and slapped Ashling on the face.
"Get off me you bloody old perv, ill go when I want"
Ashling wiped the red nail varnish and blood off of his face; he had a large gash on his cheek, and gave Gladys a poisonous look.
"Fine, you stay hear, don't blame me when your being eaten alive by and ugly black lizard"
Gladys gave him an even deadlier look.
"Id likes to see em get a piece of me love, they got no chance"
Suddenly, there was a loud crash from the elevator, and the drone they saw before slid out on the marble. It raised its head and looked at them, then stood up on two feet.
"What the fruit and nut is that?" asked Gladys with a horrified look on her face.
John looked around at her.
"That's why you have to get out of hear, there's another thousand of them in this building alone, and we need to keep them in"
The drone was looking around at the door; almost everyone was out now, except John, Gladys, Ashling and one of the scientists, Liam Sunland. The xeno looked back at them, and then ran for the door.
"Stop it!" yelled Ashling
By now, it was almost at the doors, but it was cut off. Gladys ran up towards it, grabbed it around the waste, and tackled it to the floor. It made to claw her, but she grabbed its arm and bent it back. There was an awful crack as the xenos endoskelitle arm broke. John and the rest stared in utter disbelief. One the most deadly creatures' in existents was having its butt handed to it by a girl from Wales. Now, she had its tail wrapped around its waste and arms, and was hitting it in the face, it tried to hit her with its inner mouth, but he made a grab for it and tugged it. The muscles that gave it its deadly force were severed, and the smaller mouth hung limply from the xenomorphs main one. It squealed in agony and rolled around on the floor. Gladys got up from her feet and kicked it in the head. She picked it up by its dorsal fin and the base of its tail, and threw it across the marble floor. It got up and limped away, clutching its broken arm.
"That right you eyeless bugger, run off to ya mummy"
She straightened up a tidied her hair and walked back to the group of men staring with open mouths.
She looked at them blankly
Ashling shook his head and put on a serious expression
"That's not very impressive, it was obviously a runt and they are very lightweight, not that hard to do that"
Then Liam spoke up.
"Actually sir, that was a perfectly healthy reconnaissance drone, they explore the area to seek out possible threats to a mobile queen, and they are strong"
Ashling glared at him.
"Very well, I have an answer to this"
He grabbed Gladys's arm and took out a small penknife.
"As you are about to see, this is no human, only an android can cause that much damage to a perfectly health xenomorph"
He pocked the knife into her arm, and she winced in pain. Instead of the white liquid Ashling expected, scarlet blood poured out from the wound.
"See?" Gladys said, with a sarcastic tone "Human, it's what you get from livin with six brothers all your life and playin rugby and the occasional kickboxing championship"
She grabbed her bag off the chair and walked out of the door. Liam ran up to her, and they started to talk. Ashling looked at John, and then there was a massive bang. John flicked on the monitor screen to see an image of the queen bounding down a corridor on level seventy. They needed to get out now. Ashling took the button he took out of the safe, put it in his pocket and ran out of the building, John close behind.

As they got out, there was a large crowed gathered around the building. Ashling pressed the button he took, and the building came to life. Acid proof, diamond reinforced glass covered the windows in a blink of an eye. Then another steel layer covered that. Around the building, five massive tessla-towers extended from the ground, and sent a beam up to five more on the very edge underneath of the mushroom shaped bloom at the top of the building. Those, intern sent a blue beam to a very tall tower on top of the building. Then, from the main beams, thousands of smaller beams shot in-between, until there was nothing more than solid sheet up to the top. It was another force field, much more powerful than the one in the queens' bulkhead. Now, the xenotech building was shut down and secure until a way to recapture the creatures would be found. The buildings power sources were scattered all over the UK, so there was no chance of the xenomorphs shutting them down. After this incident, the xeno pet project would have to be shut down for good. In just ten minutes, the governments of the world decided that it was not safe with an intelligent queen on the loose, and was to have all the xeno pets to be paralyzed and dumped in the Mariana trench, were the pressure of the deep sea would surely crush the near indestructible exoskeleton.

John and Mr. Ashling looked up and the xenotech building, the force field casting an eerie blue light across the whole of the night time London. As they stood there, they both thought of the new occupants of that building. Were all queens that smart? Was the queens' original template something special? Was it Different to the other xenomorphs? More importantly, had any more escaped the building during the time it took the group to get out? With the xenos so organized, it was clear that the power sources would need to be heavily guarded. As they though, Liam walked past with Gladys
"So, you like rugby? Me too, we have so much in common"
They both laughed as they moved out of the crowd. After a few minutes of talking, John decided to make his way home. There cars were in the car park under the building, so it was not safe to get them, and Ashlings home was in the top floor of the xenotech building. After all that happened, John did not know why he felt the urge to let Ashling stay with him, but he did. They made there way back to his home. They walked down the street, keeping an eye out for any chance of the two escaped xenomorphs and the latest hybrid dubbed the 'predalien'. There was very little information on this hybrid, but it was not new. There was one report of this deadly beast in 2007, in a small Colorado town called Gunson, but it was reported to be leader, so it was assumed, a queen. As they entered Johns home, a large shadow sped across the ground, and a large black flying beast silhouetted against the moon, heading west. No one saw this beast against the night sky, but it knew were it had to be. It followed an electric current that led to the building that trapped its queen. If it could get to the start of this cable, it could stop it and set its queen free. It had picked up traces of five cables, and followed one. It flew at high speeds that ripped the air, and narrowly missed a dark green sign, lit by a single flickering light, that read 'Cardiff'
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: brad873 on Dec 08, 2007, 08:00:26 PM
im also looking for any ideas for little side storys?
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: Resurrection on Dec 08, 2007, 08:29:32 PM
Sorry no ideas here, but the story was excellent!
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: brad873 on Dec 08, 2007, 08:51:22 PM
well, its not done yet ;) we still have the predalien, the hybrids, the xeno war, the supposadly dead xeno pets, the predalien, the power generators around the UK, a possible nuke attack, the queen, possible emperess, hopfully a jungle bit, and the massive twist at the end. im not sure what the twist is, but it may be an unlikely outcome
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: brad873 on Dec 08, 2007, 09:20:37 PM
poeple, i need help. i have an idea for a mechine in the story, that scans the queens hormones and says what the queen thinks. this would be the queens way of talking. it would be made by humans but stolen by the queen. i think it would make her look even smarted. is this a good idea?
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: Colton White on Dec 08, 2007, 11:05:28 PM
it is very interesting concept. maybe you could get some alien that survived requiem to somehow meet up with the queen.Or for an Empress,maybe humans disturb a Royal coccoon and she brakes out of it too soon...
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: brad873 on Dec 08, 2007, 11:53:21 PM
hmm. i like that idea. what im planning on doing is that the new xeno clones that are made to attack the queen will end up being facehugged, and turned into powerful drones and so forth. im not sure about the requiem alien though, it would be very old. i could use that consept as an overloard thing, but i was planning that for the queen and the fact the 'alien' xeno was differant from the others and she was differant. im not planning much though, i make most of it up as  i go alone. lol
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: Colton White on Dec 09, 2007, 12:23:25 AM
Quote from: brad873 on Dec 08, 2007, 11:53:21 PM
hmm. i like that idea. what im planning on doing is that the new xeno clones that are made to attack the queen will end up being facehugged, and turned into powerful drones and so forth. im not sure about the requiem alien though, it would be very old. i could use that consept as an overloard thing, but i was planning that for the queen and the fact the 'alien' xeno was differant from the others and she was differant. im not planning much though, i make most of it up as  i go alone. lol

Could you hint to my story with the XENOcult?
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: Colton White on Dec 09, 2007, 01:46:55 AM
also.You could have some backstory on what is happening between Weyland Industries and Yutani Corportations
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: brad873 on Dec 11, 2007, 01:52:51 PM
not realy, xenotech is the main one now, as for the cult, im not too sure. anyway, anyone want any specific hybrids or backstorys
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: Colton White on Dec 11, 2007, 11:19:25 PM
The Cult could be a back story. They could be harnassing the Queen's power and making her smarter.
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: brad873 on Dec 14, 2007, 09:19:18 PM
ive desided to drop the 5 tessla towers, so only one is going down to let the aliens free. im still thinking on how they will get past the dimonds and metal, any ideas
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: Colton White on Dec 16, 2007, 03:49:50 PM
They attack an armored vehicle and get inside.a guard is killed and accidently fires a shot, destroying the tessla tower...
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: brad873 on Dec 16, 2007, 09:45:50 PM
hmmm, i like that idea, but i want the generator destroyed. its in cardiff, so what can i do.
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: brad873 on Dec 22, 2007, 03:58:15 PM
i got a sneak peek of the next chapter,the stalker, this one revolves around Alex and Jane, who are in Cardiff. this is when Alex sees a monster

Jane sat at the mahogany in the kitchen. Her mother sat across from her, they were both sipping coffee and talking about the incidents in London. John had called her to say he was ok, and after he had done so she had slammed down the phone in the rage she still felt after the zoo. She looked at the clock in the center of the table, it was late. Suddenly, Alex ran into the room in his dinosaur pajamas, crying. Jane picked him up and wiped away his tears, as her mother looked on.
"What is it honey, did you have a bad dream?"
He shook his head. He rested his head on her shoulder, only to start to struggle, crying again.
"What is it Alex, what happened?"
She looked around at the glass door that led out to the patio, there was nothing there.
"Alex, you can tell me, did you see someone?"
Alex was breathing heavily, shacking with fear
"I saw's a monster"
Jane looked at him, sympathetic.
"It was only a nightmare honey. Look, ill make you a drink, then you go back to bed"

Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: brad873 on Jan 19, 2008, 10:11:42 PM
ok, im starting up again, this chapter may be a bit off, but let me get back into the groove. ive adopted some new styles of writing now
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: brad873 on Jan 20, 2008, 12:24:41 AM
ok poeple, i have a problem. i have been planning this story for a while, but after reading the second part of slofs diary of a xenomorph, they are going to be very similar. so i may have to make some big changes. any ideas? the queen will need to get of the planet somehow, but i dont want her to look like a technicle master.

Chapter 6
The stalker

John stood outside the xenotech building, looking up to the top. What was going on up there, if only the windows were not covered, he may have been able to see what was going on? The cameras inside had been cut off, no doubt due to the xenomorphs. They had always been smart, they could adapt to any environment, and any host. They could even adapt to the technology around them, sense what the lights were and shut them off, flood different areas of a station, even work out where vents led to, so they could evade danger. He thought of what was out there. They already knew that there was a drone out there, as well as a predalien and a runner. Why did they have to put that stray dog in the hive? .John looked away from the building, over to the morning sky. The surrounding buildings were covered in shadow, and the red sun hung low in the sky, waiting to rise. John looked back at the building, and over to one of the tessla-towers. He watched it for a long while, and then it started to flicker. He said nothing, just looked. It flickered again, this time, for longer. John looked at it, starting to panic. The tower was large, its light silver and gold metal twisted up into a spiral like poll, which ended in a clear round sphere, which appeared to be made of crystal. Suddenly, the sphere began to crack, and small bits of glass began to fall off. Eventually, it shattered, sending hot glass all over. The force field around the building shut down. It buzzed and crackled, the lights flickering wildly. The circuit had been broken. John was puzzled, why have just one circuit? If there were five power sources, why not five circuits? Ashling ran past with a squad of marines and three xeno fighters. He was worried and shouting orders at random people. As he ran past, John heard why there was only one circuit.
"Hurry up, move, they found the real one, the four diversions didn't work"

Jane sat at the mahogany in the kitchen. Her mother sat across from her, they were both sipping coffee and talking about the incidents in London. John had called her to say he was ok, and after he had done so she had slammed down the phone in the rage she still felt after the zoo. She looked at the clock in the center of the table, it was late. Suddenly, Alex ran into the room in his dinosaur pajamas, crying. Jane picked him up and wiped away his tears, as her mother looked on.
"What is it honey, did you have a bad dream?"
He shook his head. He rested his head on her shoulder, only to start to struggle, crying again.
"What is it Alex, what happened?"
She looked around at the glass door that led out to the patio, there was nothing there.
"Alex, you can tell me, did you see someone?"
Alex was breathing heavily, shacking with fear
"I saw's a monster"
Jane looked at him, sympathetic.
"It was only a nightmare honey. Look, ill make you a drink, then you go back to bed, ok?"
Alex shook his head, he didn't want to sleep.
Jane made his a hot chocolate, which a made sure to slowly drink, and then she took him up to his room.
She tucked him in tight, and read him a small story about a hermit crab, which needed a home. After this, she gave him a kiss on the forehead and went down stairs.
Alex was shacking again; he felt he was being watched. He looked over to the window. He felt relived when all he saw was the city lights. He watched them for a long while, as they twinkled in the distance. He began to feel sleepy again. He closed his eyes, and rested on the pillow. As he was about the drift into sleep, he heard something scrape the glass of the window. He looked over, to see a long, black, snake like object speeding upwards. She hid under his covers, they would protect him. If he couldn't see it, it couldn't see him. He peeked out from underneath. He almost screamed. A large black monster, with a big head, and silver teeth, was what looked to be sniffing the window. It didn't appear to have seen him. He kept his eye on it, not daring to move. Suddenly it made a quick jolt backwards, and moved away to the side. Alex let out a deep breath, silent tears falling from his eyes. He pulled the sheets away from his head and started to relax. He looked out of the window again, it must have gone now. Suddenly, its large head appeared, with such speed it made Alex jump, and a cold rush went up his spine. He shrieked in terror, and ran out of bed. He ran through the door, back down the stairs, and into his mother arms.
"What's wrong Alex; you didn't have that nightmare again did you?"
Before he answered, Jane's mother, Gloria, butted in.
"I don't think he was imagining it"
Jane turned around
"What do you....." she trailed away
Gloria was staring out of the patio doors, her mug of coffee fell from her hand.
Four large creatures were looking in, drool pouring from there mouths. One was a large, black beast, with glistening silver teeth. It stood at around seven feet tall, with a long, ridged head that had a few very short spines on the top. Next to it was a very similar one, except this one had a large pair of, leathery, bat like wings folded on its back. Then there was the smallest one. It was similar to the first, except smaller, and stood on all fours. Its skin was tinted brown, most noticeably around its mouth, and it lacked the tubes on its back that the others had. The last was the most fascinating. It was much taller than the rest, almost 9 feet in height. It had a set of very out of place looking mandible, and long, black 'dreadlocks' hanging down from the side of its head. Its skin was paler that the others. Its dome was a dark brown, but its body was a lighter mix of green, grey and brown. It had a very intimidating appearance. All four of them looked in at the occupants of this small human hive. They stood for a long while, fixed on the flesh within and the humans looked back. Then, the large dark one stepped back. The dreadlocked one and the four legged one stepped to the side, and the other spread its wings and flew out of the way. Jane knew what was next. She grabbed her mother and son and ran. The monster ran up to the glass, and leaped in, shattering the glass into many small pieces. It fell to the floor, but quickly recovered. The other three stepped in, splashing drool onto the floor.
"What are they doing, I thought they were nice" shouted Gloria.
Jane wondered. John was working with these; did they want her because of that? She ran around the corner, down the hall, and at the front door. She clawed at it with one hand, trying to keep Alex close with the other. Gloria ran up to them, the small beast bounding from wall to wall behind her. It jumped to another wall, paused, looking at her, and then leaped forward.
Gloria's next reaction was compulsory. She reached back and grabbed a long, metal hiking stick, and swung it around. As she did, it was pulled out to full length and locked into place. The creature was impaled on it, the sharp tip of the stick ripped down its neck. It went limp, blood trickling from its mouth, dissolving the stick and burning holes in the floor. The yellowish liquid made a hissing sound as it ate away at the wooden flood, revealing the pipes underneath. It fell dripped close to a gas pipe, but managed to miss the dull, bronze metal. As it hit the stone underneath, a small amount of the fire hot blood spat up onto the underside of the pipe, causing the toxic gas to come flooding out. Through the sounds of the gas and the still burning acids, the footsteps of the other creatures were heard moving closer. Around the corner, a large, cream coloured mouth with a large set of oddly placed mandibles came into sight. The gas was seeping out of the pipe with loud hiss. Jane was getting dizzy, and the large beast, now accompanied by the other two monsters, was advancing closer to her. She tried to look closely at it, but her vision was going in and out. She knew it was over, her life was about to slip through her mortal fingers. The gas was making her feel happy through all these thoughts, but then she remembered her mother and her son, and shook herself free of this moment of irrational thought. She grabbed her mother, who was now swaying back and forth, by the shoulder, and lunged back as hard as she could. The door didn't open, but it had been weakened. She moved forward to make a last attempt, but the large beast had raised its clawed hand. It came down with incredible force, but Jane moved back just in time. She crashed through the door, falling to the ground. The beasts' mighty hand missed and hit the wall, sending sparks into the air. Each one of the glowing orbs of heat split at a rapid rate, engulfing the air around them. As they grew, they pushed all the glass, all the doors and all life within, out of there original resting places. The house exploded in a deadly bloom of fire, scorching all around. Jane looked up at the fire that had passed but an inch from her face, and closed her eyes as the heat evaporated all the liquids that covered them. She opened them and looked up to the night sky, flames from the burning building caressing the night sky. She looked at her son, who has quietly sobbing into the singed grass. She then looked at her mother. She was face down on the ground. Blood was streaming from a wound on her arm. Jane suddenly came to her senses and rushed over to her. She rolled her over; her eyes were blank, staring into the void. Jane panicked; she slapped Gloria across the face
"Wake up" she shouted "wake up, come on you bitch, wake up"
She felt overcome by sorrow. She looked over at how she had died, was it the force of the explosion? Was it the fire? She rolled her over and ran her hands along her back, trying to feel and broken bones. Her fingers came across 3 deep gashes. It seems that the large monsters slash had not missed at all; it had severed her mothers' spine. She rolled her mother over again and placed her head against her cold, lifeless face. She cried. She had known her mother all her life; she had made her what she was today. She thought of all the good times she had had. But her thought were cut short but a loud roar from the burning wreck. The large creature and the smaller flying one both lifted themselves out of the rubble. Jane tumbled over and picked up Alex, and ran as fast as she could down the road.

The dark beast looked after the running enemies. The queen had given orders to capture them, and now one was dead and the other on the move. It looked around at its larger counterpart; it was looking towards a lone structure in the distance. It was another, large human hive. That was the place that the things that powered the queens prison were kept. It spread out its wings and jumped into the air. Instead of taking flight as was expected, it fell to the ground with a thump. It got up, dazed by this. It looked around to see its wings were damaged. Large holes were dotted all around the lathery membrane that covers its wings. It looked around at its counterpart, which was looking at it with a slight hint of amusement. The winged beast turned around in a mix of rage and embarrassment. It went up to the body of the dead human, and tore the flesh of the bones. It ate for a long while, before eventually dropping to all fours, and tensing its muscles, splitting the skin that covered it. It pulled itself free from the useless leftovers, glistening with new skin, and a now healthy set of wings. It stood in the same spot for 5 minutes, drying off, and then spread its wings again and took flight. It wrapped its tail around its counterpart. Now with only one accomplice, it could move much faster. It could carry the earth bound counterpart instead of waiting for the rest to catch up to it. It flapped its powerful wings and raised the other off the ground. It flew down to the human hive, invisible to the night sky, and dropped its load on the top of this hive.

Is it stood on the roof of the human hive, the predalien looked up at its winged counterpart circled overhead. It swooped down out of sight, behind the hive. The predalien, as the humans called it, looked over the edge of the roof. 3 human warriors were standing near a large door. They were armed with weapons that could kill a magnificent beast such as this. The predalien jumped down, making no noise. It creped up behind the warriors and destroyed there heads with one swift jab of its tail. It went up to the metal door, and spat acid upon it. The metal dissolved with ease, and the predalien slunk in. It found it way into the vents. Foolish humans, they never check the most obvious places. It followed the line of energy that had led from the queens' prison. It followed it deep into the hive. Warriors changed into the human researchers the deeper it went. It followed the energy into a large, round room. There were many warriors and researchers in this room. The predalien peered through the steel grate at a large, glass sphere in the center of the room. It looked in on blasphemy to its kind.

The queen was sleeping in her chamber when it happened. Her mind began to race. She uncurled from her sleeping position, her guards were curled up agenized her. She took a moment to wake, and then taped into the telepathic transmission coming in. She looked into the mind of her loyal drone, and saw what it saw. There was a large room. Grey walls, florescent blue wires streaming from a large glass sphere in the center. Within the glass, suspended in time, was a drone. It was alive, held tight by acid proof binds. Needles were jabbed into its side, and its blood was being sucked out. The blood was being transported along tubes in the glass. It was filtered down a series of glass disks, and the result was a clear, smoking liquid. This was by the researchers and added to a large gem on a metal column. As this liquid was added, the gem glowed blue with energy, which was them transported out of the room by the glowing wires. They had been using our blood for energy? A researcher was talking to a recording devise.
"The xenogliserin has had a successful reaction to the diamond. The unknown compound has had the expected reaction to the diamonds atoms. It seems that the adult drones' blood contains more xenogliserin than the facehuggers. The xenotech building will now have a more efficient power source."
The queen roared with rage, they were using her kind for energy. But wait, this drone was not hers. From what she had put together, she was the only queen that the humans had, so where did this one come from? It was not in anyway related to her, so it was no clone. This was odd. She pondered for a moment, and then ordered her drone to destroy this facility and free this new drone. This would help her achieve her plan, to escape this planet once and for all. She watched as the drone fell from the vents, and attacked the human's within this room. She watched as they scrambled for there weapons, only to meet death. She told her drone to free the new drone, and to escape back through the vents. The escape was successful. The attack was so fast that no defense was set up until they were gone.
The queen tuned out, and looked toward the blocked window. It was still closed off, but this time, there was no humming of power, no defense. Now was the time the put her plan into action. But first she would need to think it out. The human who she had taunted could be a threat, or, more importantly an invaluable tool.
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: Colton White on Jan 20, 2008, 03:44:58 AM
The aliens seem even smarter than Preds now.They are evolving!I love this story and how you treat the alien as normal creatures with emotions.
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: brad873 on Jan 20, 2008, 10:58:46 AM
hehe, i have big plans for this. it was originaly gonna be the queen just waning to get oof the planet, but now after the xenogliserin thing, she wants to dent the human forces, so i was gonnaa resserect the xeno pets that were dumped in the sea and have them swim up to other countrys and attack. also  *spoiler*

Gladys is a blood based robot from WY
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: brad873 on Jan 20, 2008, 04:09:26 PM
so what do you all think of it so far? should i keep on writing it?
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: Colton White on Jan 21, 2008, 05:51:31 AM
Quote from: brad873 on Jan 20, 2008, 04:09:26 PM
so what do you all think of it so far? should i keep on writing it?
Xeno pets?
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: brad873 on Jan 21, 2008, 04:55:05 PM
you know, thr xenos that went on sale to the puclic
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: Colton White on Jan 21, 2008, 06:24:30 PM
Quote from: brad873 on Jan 21, 2008, 04:55:05 PM
you know, thr xenos that went on sale to the puclic
Oh yeah.
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: Active-CrazyNut on Jan 21, 2008, 06:33:47 PM
Wait...i see something...WAIT! What is it? Oh yeah....its a true writer with talent. Nice start. 5/5  :)
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: brad873 on Jan 21, 2008, 06:47:02 PM
wow, ive actualy been called a good writter. im soooo proud. but im still looking for peoples ideas and pics of hybrids. you know, the queens on her way out soon and theres an alien zoo right around the corner ;)
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: Active-CrazyNut on Jan 21, 2008, 07:14:56 PM
What about a sea creature alien, mixed with sucker [the fish that sucks the glass of the fish tanks] and squid, lol :D

Or a dinosaur alien, why dont you do a part where they...er...the aliens facehugged dinosaurs and they breeded for centuries. :D

You should make mutant aliens with big mucsles and a bigger headbitter. :D
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: Active-CrazyNut on Jan 21, 2008, 07:18:28 PM
Hey, i just my first part of my story, AVPVP but i think its alittle rip off of yours, read it plz, im sorry if you think its a rip off   :'(
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: Colton White on Jan 21, 2008, 09:27:34 PM
No wonder  your username says your a nut  :D
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: Active-CrazyNut on Jan 21, 2008, 09:59:59 PM
Im mthan a nut, mate  ;D
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: brad873 on Jan 21, 2008, 10:04:43 PM
cool, ill look over it now (dont worry, i just noticed mines a bit of a rip from slofs, but most storys have a smart queen, exept mine isnt a slutty sex tirant ;D)
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: brad873 on Jan 22, 2008, 05:35:37 PM
nice stroy, but i can never get into the second person mode of writing. and if anyone has any characters that they want to have a small part, just say
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: Active-CrazyNut on Jan 22, 2008, 08:41:12 PM
Well, its not supposed to be great. Anyway, im adding a crocadile alien for my story [i just put part 2 up and it says crocadiles where facehugged] and a runner queen [dog alien queen also said in part 2]
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: Active-CrazyNut on Jan 22, 2008, 09:30:11 PM
I would have liked it if you commented on it , for some reason no one comments on it, thats why i dont finish them.
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: brad873 on Mar 29, 2008, 04:53:04 PM
well, ive started up again. its been going well, so i thought i would ask, so no to ruin it. would you all mind if the queen gained an araficial voice box that she carries around, or would that be dumb????
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: brad873 on Mar 29, 2008, 05:58:26 PM
sorry guys, but ive been playing so much, a small amount of bioshock may enter
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: brad873 on Mar 29, 2008, 06:19:43 PM
ok, not very long, i just wanted to get throug it fast. yes, i know is may have been a bad idea to bring bioshock into it, but i just could not think of a way to make the queen smart that did not seem totaly mad. at least plasmids causing nanobots to become unstable is slightly belivable. anyway, as i get ferther on, i will focus more on the queen, and do things from her viewpoint.

Chapter 7
Game time

John ran to his car. He turned the key, and the steel beast sprang to life. He plowed through the roads at top speed. Jane had phoned him, and explained that she was almost killed buy out of control xenomorphs'. She sounded distraught, but she was ok, which was more than could be said for her mother. Gloria had never approved of John, she had always said he was not the big, strong man she had envisions marrying Jane. Even though he loathed her, John felt it was not right that she had died by his work, the creatures he helped create. He pulled up at a large building. Jane and Alex were waiting for him out side. There eyes were red and swollen, Jane holding her mothers old necklace in her hand. It was a large, silver disk with a large diamond in the center, with red rubies and green emeralds doted around it. That necklace was an old family heirloom; it was hundreds of years old. Jane ran up to John, but instead of throwing her arms around him, she threw a hard slap across his face.
"Happy now? Your damn things killed my mother" tears were streaming down her face. John just watched as she freed her anger in the form of hate filled words and blows to the face. She shouted at him for what seemed like a millennium, with constant attacks to his face and torso which john did not stop, he felt numb. She hit his face with an open palm, and her wedding ring caught his skin, ripping a small strip with it. John shouted in pain as blood poured from the small, yet deep gash. She made for another attack, shouting insults that were now impossible to make out. As her hand came down to hit him, he grabbed her arm to stop her. She screamed with rage. She glared at him, her eyes penetrating into his very soul. She looked as though she was reading his mind.
"There were four" she said, her voice now sorrowful, sadden tone. "They were just, there, outside the windows" John looked over to the still burning house.
"We need to go back up there," stated John, the fire flickering in his eyes. He turned and moved towards the burning wreck. Jane looked after him, and eventually followed, holding her son in her arms.
John got to the top of the hill. The fire was calming, but still threw off a great level of heat. He walked around, still looking at the blaze, inspecting it. His foot caught something, and he fell. He clutched his head; he had landed on something hard. He looked forward to see a set of silvery teeth, attached to a black mouth, wide open. He yelled, and scrambled back, once again tripping over the object. He looked at it, to find it was something imbedded in the ground. It was glistening with the reflection of the flames. John leaned closer, reached out a hand, and touched it. He still could not see what it was, the fire seemed to absorb any light the moon gave off. His fingers were wet. He pulled it to his face, and sniffed this strange liquid. It smelled metallic, but organic at the same time. It was blood. John looked down at the object. His eyes adjusted to the shape of it. It was a pile of bones. He squinted his eyes so get a better look. There were marks on them, like they had been chewed. He looked back at the black beast that lay on the ground. There was a large crack down its back. It was nothing more than a discarded skin. By its sides were hollow wings, cracked and broken. John stood up, and walked back towards his wife. He ushered her away. "Lets go"

She said nothing while on the car trip. She was playing the event in her head, over and over. Her eyes were blank, looking into the void. John looked at her. He could not help but feel it was his fault. He opened his mouth to speak, but his phone rang. He turned on the hands free. Suddenly, sounds of shrieks and screams filled the car. Then a female voice rose above them all. It was a Russian voice, the accent very strong. "John, we have a situation. The modified warriors, they have attacked us. The queen somehow entered them into her hive mind. We need your help." It was Natalia Starch. She was the gene expert of Xenotech. He was always changing things. She was truly a god in her own right. She had created so many magnificent creatures in her day. She could change a mammal into an insect, a reptile into a bird, and even once turned a human into something new, a grotesque being of pure flesh. No bone, no hair, just a shapeless blob of meat. She had created some of the more extravagant xenomorph hybrids. She was very hated in the religious world.
"What do you mean?" asked John
"She means were screwed unless you get hear now, Thomas" said a gruff, male voice. It was Richard Branson, the head of the Xenotech weapons division.
"What can I do?" asked John, confused.
"It was your idea that created the queen of them. You told us to use bee royal jelly to make a queen, and I made it happen," said Natalia.
"So your our best shot, you must be able to find a way to stop her" yelled Richard above the din.
"I have to go now John, good luck," said Natalia
"Just get hear now" yelled Richard "we don't have much time, and were running out of amm... what the hell? Keep back, no, stay away" the booming sound of gun shots filled the car "stay back you son of a..." the line cut off. There was just the chilling sound the phone, a cold, deep hum.
John was white, and Jane was green.
"I've got to go," said John. He gave his phone to Jane. "Call a cab, I have to help them." He leaned in to kiss Jane, but she pulled her head back, like he was a victim of some horrid disease. She collected Alex from the back seat, and got out of the car. John drove off, angry with himself.

John sped into London, up to the Xenotech building. There was nothing there. Pools of blood were spread around the streets, but there were no bodies, no empty cases of bullets, no acid burns from the xenomorph's blood. There were no cars or bikes. John looked around. What had happened?
"John!" yelled a familiar voice from behind. It was Natalia. "John, we have to leave, before the beasts return."
"What's happened, where is everyone?" asked John.
"Dead, or in there" she said, pointing to the large, mushroom shaped building. "There was an exit we did not find, that we forgot to cover. There is a second shaft under the incinerator, where the burnt cinders are dumped, the beasts opened it, and they use it as an entrance"
"But what's happened the bullets and the aliens blood?"
"Bullets? Ha, they had no affect on the creatures. They simply bounced off the hard skins. The monsters collected them and took them into the hive, god knows what for" she said, wondering. "We still have a video link to the inside of the building," she said, taking out a small laptop. "Look, look how intact it all is. The walls are clean, and the xenos have not even begun to make a hive. Its like they want it perfect."
John looked at the screen. She was right, not a scratch, mark or burn on an surface, even all the holes had been replaced by resin, but that was it. Then it cut the most unlikely image. The Queen, alone, in a large room. She was bent over a large computer consol, with a large screen in front, that has the blue prints for the entire city on it.
"What the hell is she doing?" he asked.
"I do not know." said Natalia "but she is able to use the most complicated of mechanics. I fear that this is my fault."
"How do you mean?" asked John, suspicious
"Do you know what she is, john? She is not the 'run of the mill' xenomorph queen, she is our queen. We had the power of gods; I had the power of God. All I needed was a needle and a cocktail of chemicals, and I could mould the perfect creature. So, why not mould the perfect leader. Smart, inquisitive, unhindered by petty morality. Of course, even the perfect killing machine like the xenomorph's has their flaws. They were not very smart. They needed to sneak up on there prey to kill it. They made mistakes; we even found they were plagued by over confidence once they gained flawless kills. So, we set out on creating the ultimate creature, flawless in every way. Never over confidant, never makes silly mistakes. The queen was a blank canvass, a near perfect creature that only needed a small amount of upgrading. She was perfect. Of course something that smart would need to be controlled, so we installed a new chemical. Back in the days of the Second World War, there was a city. A city more advanced than we are today. It sat at the bottom of the sea. It was so well hidden; there are few records of it. We don't even know its name. But, the city found something known as ADAM, a chemical from the sea slug known as the miracle. We never found the city, never wanted too, but we found a recording from a German woman who never said her name. She explained what ADAM was. Sadly, the sea slug was hard to find, it was nearing extinction even when the city was working. But we found one, in the corps of a young girl that washed up on a beach 20 years ago. The body was found to be hundreds of years old, but this slug had kept her unharmed. He cause of death is unknown. Anyway, the slug was still alive, and we found enough of this ADAM to create something known as a plasmid. We followed the Germans instructions and found the chemical was in-fact a form of stem cell based cancer that destroys cells, but replaces them with unstable versions of themselves. We created a plasmid that could control the queen, and for a time it worked. But the queens' blood is swarming with things known as nanobots. They are organic machines, miniature animals that live in the xenos. At first we thought they were artificial, that a creator implanted them, but we were wrong. They were cells, like ours, but with a more evolved nucleus, so evolved that they had become separate life forms. They still did the tasks of cells, but worked out the fastest was to do a job. The plasmid bound to these, but the nanobots have overridden the plasmid and used it to become more advanced. They learned to created there own stem cells, in which they altered to reinforce the queens' skin and brain. She is untouchable. I discovered the conversion months ago, but was overcome by curiosity; I told on one, I let the queens' mind grow. But the advancements came at a price. The nanobots became unstable, as did the queen. She is most likely delusional, and what is worse than a lunatic with intelligence and an army"
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: brad873 on Apr 01, 2008, 10:11:22 AM
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: Ghost Rider on Apr 04, 2008, 06:51:45 PM
1 word:AWESOME!!!!!! You need to continue it. ;D
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: brad873 on Apr 04, 2008, 09:35:19 PM
 :o realy??? you dont thin the bioshock was too much?
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: Ghost Rider on Apr 04, 2008, 11:53:07 PM
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: brad873 on Apr 11, 2008, 02:58:27 PM
well then, cool. i'll keep on with it. you know, it was only meant to be a 5 page story for my english class, but it kind of got out of hand
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: brad873 on May 15, 2008, 08:44:47 PM
forget that last chapter, im rewriting the bioshock bit out
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: Zero on May 19, 2008, 11:52:18 PM
...I did not like the Queen using a computer...
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: Thwei-Kantra on May 21, 2008, 12:39:10 AM
You don't like much, do you Zero?

Minus the spelling errors, and minor rule-breaking, I love it.

Keep going man, just keep doing what you do.
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: Zero on May 21, 2008, 12:56:00 AM
Thats the first thing I've been notably upset with....
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: Thwei-Kantra on May 21, 2008, 01:43:53 AM
Never said you were upset, just said you didn't like much.
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: Zero on May 21, 2008, 07:18:27 PM
I still see that as the same thing
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: brad873 on May 22, 2008, 07:20:36 AM
she wont be using the computer. she is only pushing the pretty colored buttons
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: Thwei-Kantra on May 22, 2008, 08:05:03 PM
Sounds like my friends Sister...
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: Zero on May 22, 2008, 09:17:28 PM
LOL,I thought she was using it like she was a pro
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: spunk90 on Jul 21, 2008, 04:30:23 PM
good stuff
Title: Re: Aliens: return
Post by: brad873 on Jul 28, 2008, 10:58:36 PM
thanks. i might start writing it again