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General => General Alien-Predator Discussion => Topic started by: (Bad Blood) on Dec 16, 2020, 07:35:03 PM

Title: Predator vs Elite(Halo)
Post by: (Bad Blood) on Dec 16, 2020, 07:35:03 PM
Hello this is something I have been wanting to discuss for some time and never found a more recent thread on it, so! Here we go! I think the Predator would win and here is why, so it would appear this is not common knowledge on most other website forums so I shall inform everyone who doesn't know(and if you are wondering who you are, you will know if you learn anything new hahaha) but A Predator Yautja have the Elites beat in weight by 127 pounds as an average Predator in armor weighs 520 pounds over the average Elite in armor weighing 393 pounds, the Predator can also jump over 40 feet in the air and that's so far what is recorded. They have strength similar to an Elite but it was stated by 343 and Halopedia that the Elite/Sangheili combat harness increases thier strength and speed, so that would make Predators actually stronger. I have also not seen an Elite rip a person in half or pull out a spine or smash and punch through a concrete building or bash over a military vehicle full of soldiers, adolescent Yautja easily crumpling thick metal security doors with bare hands and in Predator Homeworld tossing adult bull bison with ease and a bull bison weighs 2000 pounds or one ton, so that goes to the Predator as well and as far as speed, Yautja can run faster than 40 miles per hour which is the same for an Elite but again the Elite wears a speed increasing armor/harness, both have superhuman reflexes. Now for durability, an Elite can take 2 rounds from a shotgun in halo close range and maybe one more before death and as seen in Predator 2 a Yautja can take 6 rounds close range from a shotgun and keep going and even lose an arm and keep going and in Predators the film the Berserker predator had 6 grenades blow up in his face point blank and get up intact and keep fighting. Also an Elite can die from a knife stab as seen in the games and in the halo 5 cutscene with Juul Mdama where as no Predator has ever died from a knife or gunshot in any form of Predator media, so the Predator wins in durability. Weapons and equipment are pretty much the same for both the Predator and Elite as there are Predators with plasma swords/scythes as well and also use plasma and energy based weapons, the shoulder mounted canon the Predator uses has many variations as well, such as a rapid fire version and one powerful enough to turn a human into paste and destroy vehicles and elites have obviously the equivalent of both of those things. Skill is dependent upon the individual so we will skip it. So basically the Predator wins in every category that is not a tie and there is a tie in weapons. So there you have my opinion and information I have gathered. Thank you for your input!