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General => Fan Section => Topic started by: Shogun on Aug 05, 2019, 01:49:56 PM

Title: Jir'Xar: Earth Defender (Based of Predator films)
Post by: Shogun on Aug 05, 2019, 01:49:56 PM
His name is Jir'Xar, he is a Sea Hunter and Elder of 632 years old. He his on the human side of the history, he learned our languages very fluently and our cultures. He was not a cast away from his home-world , he decided alone to hunt and defend Earth from different intruders. Jir'Xar is like a monk, he loves to pray in Earth ancient temples and has many sanctuaries where humans can find him. When humans gain his honor and respect, they usually get items or sacred knowledge from Jir'Xar.

One day Jir'Xar was praying in one of the Shaolin temples in Himalaya mountains. The sun was rising and the little mist of the morning was bluring the scenery. Jir'Xar took a deep breath and after all those years on earth, he managed to get along without the azote in the air. His lungs were getting used to the Earth atmosphere and his eyes view was becoming more human than thermic. As he left the temple, Jir'Xar took his old wooden spear that he made 200 years ago when arriving on Earth and went trought the mountains canyon, he arrived at his main sanctuary which was a Scout Predator Spaceship ravaged and rusty. The thing is, that spaceship was crashed since he arrived and Jir'Xar has to find a way to get the special nuclear energy to get it on track again. He knew that in some places on Earth there was other Predator crashed vessels (Referencing to some old movies), but he did not knew where, because his in-spaceship detection device was broken and without energy to work. In USA, the pentagon knew there was a Predator on the himalayan mountains but absolutely no searching team succeeded at finding Jir'Xar. One of the soldiers came trought the briefing room of the Pentagon, General ''Dutch'' and Captain ''Mike Harrigan'', were standing in front of the screen, trying to find a way and rallying a NEW team. Those 2 witness's of the Jungle hunter and City Hunter were determined to find that Sea Hunter, and go on an adventure.... The soldier that entered the briefing room talked to Dutch and Harrigan about what he knew about a fisherman boat in the Indian Sea ''rumor''. That rumor was that the crew of the fishermen boat saw a humanoid creature hunting big sharks near New Delhi's port ..that he was using some sort of spear that was cutting the sharks with precision. Dutch and Harrigan knew at 100% that another Predator was there. They prepared a team of 8 members including them...once arrived in India by airplane Dutch told Harrigan and his crew members ''Get to the choppa, boys!'' with a grinning smile on his face, Harrigan looked back at Dutch with that acknowledgement grinning.
Title: Re: Jir'Xar: Earth Defender (Based of Predator films)
Post by: Voodoo Magic on Aug 05, 2019, 02:39:09 PM
Cosplay with a backstory!  Pretty cool! :)
Title: Re: Jir'Xar: Earth Defender (Based of Predator films)
Post by: Shogun on Aug 05, 2019, 03:17:26 PM
Thanks a lot Voodoo magic... ;) what do you guys think of the story?
Title: Re: Jir'Xar: Earth Defender (Based of Predator films)
Post by: Shogun on Aug 06, 2019, 05:14:59 PM
Here is a little update about Jir'Xar Character. I am building this costume for maybe one day do a fanfiction movie.... with storyboard, filming and special effects. I do have a lot to create thought ....like Bio Helmet connected to my shoulder cannon and so on.... I do have the PDF file that you can buy on INSTRUCTABLES that explain how to make a perfect movie replica costume. And no i will not share it as it is found only for Instructables members. Just make a search on Instructables web site for: ''How to make a killer predator costume.''
Title: Re: Jir'Xar: Earth Defender (Based of Predator films)
Post by: Voodoo Magic on Aug 07, 2019, 02:14:55 PM
The blue does give it a very aquatic look in a Kenner stylized way. Definitely a Sea Hunter.  :)
Title: Re: Jir'Xar: Earth Defender (Based of Predator films)
Post by: Shogun on Aug 11, 2019, 01:57:50 AM
They prepared a team of 8 members including them...once arrived in India by airplane Dutch told Harrigan and his crew members ''Get to the choppa, boys!'' with a grinning smile on his face, Harrigan looked back at Dutch with that acknowledgement grinning. ''Long tall sally'' from Little Richards was playing on the MP3 player :) ! Dutch lit his cigar then Harrigan said ''Oh please, stop smoking Dutch, that thing is gonna kill you!'' looking at Dutch, you could sense a little friction between those two but not at the point of fighting each other. Dutch grinning replied ''What, the CIA made you push too much pencils Harrigan?''.....The Chopper was flying over the palm trees vegetations and bushes of India ''Gange'' river. When they arrived at a surprinsingly very high mountain on the begining of the himalayans. You could sense a sort of energy, Dutch stepped out of the helicopter, following by Harrigan and the rest of the crew.