AvPGalaxy Forums

Films/TV => Predator Films => Topic started by: Bishop2 on Sep 25, 2007, 05:47:40 PM

Title: RiffTrax: Predator
Post by: Bishop2 on Sep 25, 2007, 05:47:40 PM
I assume you are all familiar with "RiffTrax."  It's the three guys from Mystery Science Theater 3000, in various combinations, doing their own mocking audio commentaries of various movies.  Each download usually costs 2 to 3 bucks each.


Turns out they have one for Predator.  Sadly, it's just Mike Nelson alone - usually the combinations are better, especially when all three of the team are available.  I haven't listened to this yet, but I'll probably download it soon.  I'm wondering if anyone else gave it a shot and whether it was funny or not.